Monday, June 4, 2012

GGP is now GGV also! Podcast Recap on "GGP" Episode 17 "Parents Need to Watch Their Kids" (SPOILER ALERT!)

So let’s just get this out of the way first of all: That’s right, Anthony, you guys are feeding my ego! And it taste delicious. I’m mentioned in almost every single episode now and I love it! And let me repeat, Christina IS NOT pregnant!

Another thing is here is my apology for not posting for over a week: Two posts in one day! That sound good? I don’t do it very often, I think I’ve only ever done it one other time and it was because of GGP so thank them for making me do it twice now.

Yeah, so I was little behind also on listening to my favorite and only podcast I listen to, GGP. But better late than never, but I’m really excited how they are evolving from GGP to GGP and GGV and possibly GGL. See if you listened to episode 17, “Parent’s Need to Watch Their Kids” you know they talked about how they were testing out a new idea: A Vlogcast! Vlog = video blog—cast! So what does that mean? Well it means that now they will be recording via the camera themselves doing the kooky things we can only hear about but now we get to see! They won’t be the whole episode, just bits and pieces of what they want you see and they’ll probably be the main idea of the episode. Like last weeks was on bad, not even bad, but excruciatingly bad parenting.

BTW, you guys, I don’t agree with the link of that video being posted up on the internet by you guys. Yahoo News shouldn’t have done it in the first place. Words are enough, history has proven that time and time again, videos only make it worse and not bashing on you, but I wonder about the humanity in wanting that video posted in the first place because the minuet someone got a hold of that, it should have been burned, deleted, whatever to make sure no one ever had to see the horror of that little boy dying that way. But yes, Christina, I agree, there is discipline, then there is abuse, and that’s beyond abuse. And Anthony, I’ll be a great daddy, but my wife is already on the whole not leaving me alone thing... J Yeah for those of you that don’t know, my wife and I are having our first kid soon…hopefully this or next week because she’s due on the 10th.

So away from all the depressing, if you know what I was just talking about, back to the Vlogcast. I was curious when I first got the link to the video after I had been worried because GGP took a week off themselves after Christina vanished for her finals. See, everyone needs a week off guys, don’t get too upset if it happens. When I first heard about the Vlogcast I had to ask what was that all about, and The Guy told me this:

Guy: Hey so you wanted me to shoot you a message about the vlog?

Me: Yep, so what's going on with that? No podcast anymore or back and forth?

Guy: It’s going to be both. So Mondays we do the podcast like normal (we'd like to shorten it by just a little bit if possible), and at some point during the week (I'm thinking Thurs or Fri) we upload a dummied down version that we edit just for the viewing audience. So when Anthony does something crazy that no one would normally see, now they can. There’s an audience for podcasts and there’s an audience for vlogs. Were now appealing to both to broaden our fan base.

So now you know. We’re going to get both from now on, and I will be doing my best to listen and watch and let you know what’s going on between the two. I will admit that you still get more by listening instead of just watching. And two, the Vlogs are still in the early stages so they got some kinks to work out which I will point out: camera angle…if you can you might want to find a different spot to put it in and I couldn’t really see Anthony and I almost cried. And when you cut to a different part in the cast you might want to put a little special effect flow instead of the simple cut right to it. But I did say it’s still new, and I know The Guy, is the brilliant director and cinematographer he is and will get it all together. I do hope that they will get to do GGL, which is A Guy, A Girl, A Livecast where they do it live for their fans and I definitely believe they can and I can’t wait to be there that first episode that’s live. I’ve been there live for the episode I came in on, and it’s interesting to see it all; I LOVE IT!

But until that day, subscribe to them on iTunes and get new episodes for free when they come out. Or download the free Stitcher app and enjoy them there. Also follow them on Twitter @guygirlpodcast or on Facebook at “A Guy, A Girl, and A Podcast.” Their Vlogs are on The Guy’s “Hearyouspeak” YouTube page where he has written and shot silent films that you can also watch and enjoy. Subscribe to them on @ Wait until tomorrow everyone and until then According to Michael III, it’s good to have GGP back, and it’s good to see the baby that is GGV!

Michael III

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