Monday, June 4, 2012

I'm back, but Paget Brewster is leaving...again! (AWWWW) TV Recap on "Criminal Minds" Season 7 Finale (SPOILER ALERT!)

Did you miss me? Yeah I know you did, because I missed myself. Sorry for the week off everyone. I had an extremely busy week at work and honestly when I got home I just didn’t feel like posting or typing. But I’m back and I did type up a couple of post for you last week; they’re a little dated but hey, as long as you got something to read am I right!? So According to Michael III is back, and I promise you, next time something like this happens I will at least post a warning about what’s going on. So you all ready? (enter in little kids screaming “yeah!”) Good! Let’s do this!

Alright, well here is what I think and feel: I really wish Pager Brewster would make up her mind. At the time I'm writing this and Lord knows when I'll actually post this because I have like four other articles already typed up so who knows, but at the time I'm typing this I actually just saw Criminal Minds season seven finale two nights ago. But if you've seen it then you know that's Paget Brewster's Emily Prentiss is once again being written out of the show.

Season seven’s finale was simple unlike most of CM's finales. Criminal Minds has had finales that shock you either through the case, like season four's "To Hell...and Back" where the killer is mental and his brother is the one making him kill people, or season three when the Car bomb went off and we have no idea if Hotch is alive...or season six when Prentiss is "killed" but it's shown that she's still alive. But not this season, the case was another “lovers with a twisted sense of love” episode and it was real easy to see that Josh Randall was the bad guy. Want to know how, if you watch other TV shows like Leverage, Grimm, or The Mentalist, he generally plays the bad character or the one that hangs with the bad character. It's called type casting, and they kept flashing to him during the bank robbery. They fooled me when they said he was a marine but at first I had him pegged as a part of the robbery. Anyway, they solved the case, no one died, and JJ got married to her man when she should have already been married too him in the first place; like I said, pretty lax episode.

But Paget was supposed to leave CM with the ending of season six cause of money issues ( but they kept her character alive in case they solved the problems. Apparently they solved those problems quickly because by episode one of this past season, "It Takes A Village," she was back as Agent Emily Prentiss. But now her character is taking over the London Interpol office offered to her by her old teammate, Clyde, who has been promoted and during the ending of the episode Morgan gets her to tell him about the job and that she has been thinking about leaving since she came back.........that's a long time to be thinking that. But whatever.
No reason has been given as to why she wants to leave the show this time but after season six she said she had wanted to focus more on her comedy for the next project she would do what that was supposed to be exactly who knows but turns out she's a comedian.

So what do you guys think? Do you think she's making the right decision or are you screaming, "NOOOO! I can't lose Prentiss again!" Personally like I said, she needs to make up her mind, stay or go. There are only so many times writers can write you in and out and we really would rather watch the lives of the characters that are staying instead of getting dragged for the ride that just needs to end. So here is to Emily Prentiss, good luck in London. But if you come back, come back to stay, okay Paget?

Well until next time, According to Michael III, who’s ready for Season 8 and ready to see who will replace Prentiss?

Michael III

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