Saturday, May 26, 2012

I Thank Friday's for "Grimm!" TV Recap on Season One Finale "The Woman in Black."

Okay, it was so painfully obvious that Nick's mom was the woman in black. Like really? Am I the only one that saw that coming? Or is it just because I’m writer and guessing plot lines has come easy to me?

Anyway, in case you have no idea what I'm talking about I'm talking about Grimm’s season finale in which the man suspected of killing Nick's parents is looking for the gold coins that drive everyone crazy. Having hired a private eye and using the information he goes and attacks the Captain first but the captain keeps his life due to the fact that they were already on the killers trail. But push comes to shove as Nick and Monroe find a way to subdue this man without killing him so Nick can question him about his parents. But he misses with the poisoned dart and end up in a fight to the death which is interrupted by a woman who uses the dart to knock out the guy whose name I can't find anywhere! And then after she calls nick ‘Nicky’ he calls her mom.


But that's not all! Adeline once again strikes at Nick’s heart by using a drugged/spelled/charmed/cursed cat to scratch Juliette. Upon hearing that it's Adeline's cat that scratched her Nick wants to take her to a hospital but she refuses to go until she hears the truth so Nick takes her to the trailer and tells her everything. I calmed down at this point because if you watched the week’s episode before the finale, "Big Feet," you know Hank is seriously in the need of having Nick tell him the truth and when I saw the preview for "The Woman in Black" I was upset that he was telling Juliette when Hank is the one he has really needed to tell for a while. He keeps seeing these Vessen when he’s on the job, and if Hank knew he could help instead of Nick constantly tap dancing around his partner and best friend about his other life. But Juliette’s life was and is in danger so I get it now, he was trying to save the woman he loves. She also the woman who said no to his proposal and most guys would walk away when a girl says no to the next step, not hang around like everything is going to change in a blink of an eye.

Not believing Nick when he shows her the trailer he makes a last ditch effort to have Monroe show her his Blutbaden form but she faints before he can show her and they take her to the hospital. Nick goes to get the cat and takes it to Rosalee to see what she can do while also trying to hunt down Adeline who has skipped town. That's when he gets the call from Hank who has had his house ransacked by the guy who attacked the Captain and he goes home to get into the fight and inadvertently runs into his, like my wife said, "supposed to be dead" mother. While Juliette's heart starts racing in the hospital and she opens her eyes and they go completely black giving you the sense that something evil has just taken over. What more of a cliff hanger would you expect from the people that brought you Buffy and Angel?

So what’s next now that Juliette has been told the truth and is having some magic done to her and Nicks mom is alive? Where’s the dad? Will Rosalee be able to help Juliette? Is Hank who is last seen holding a shot gun in his chair ever going to be okay? All questions that will be answered when Grimm returns late summer. That's right, screw the norm! They're not waiting until the fall! Which I’m happy about because we have a lot of questions and they got the answers. But until next time, According to Michael III, I don’t thank Grimm it's Friday—I thank Friday’s for Grimm.

Michael III

Friday, May 25, 2012

"Something Bad" is coming... TV Recap on the "Once Upon A Time" Season One Finale "A Land Without Magic" (SPOILER ALERT!)

I do put the spoiler alert there just in case no one else has seen it. But it’s been three weeks, it’s sad it took me this long myself.

Okay, give me a little break. Cut me some slack. It's already hard enough to try and find something new to post about every single day, but I do have another life mainly work, being a husband, and playing WOW, but it takes me a while sometime to watch my shows and let you know if something awesome has happened. So yeah, it's been almost three weeks, but I finally watched the season finale to Once Upon A Time and if you're like me you're surprised by the twist of events in the last episode "A Land Without Magic."

So in the season one finale, and there will be a season two in case you didn't know, Henry is in the hospital dying from the sleeping potion that was meant for Emma that Regina made in the episode before, "An Apple Red As Blood." Say all of that three times fast...and if you just tried and succeeded congrats. But wanting to keep the savior from falling to the curse he ate the apple himself and pasted out. Emma touches the book in the hospital and finally believes about the curse and magic and gets a glimpse of her father and mother fighting to save her. Regina walks in just in time and Emma confronts her and she tells the truth and when Emma asks what will happened to him she tells her she doesn't know because, "Magic is unpredictable in this world."

The clock is running out on Henry and the only person who can help is Mr. Gold, who as Rumplestiltskin made Prince Charming hide a love potion for him in return for help out of the Infinite Forest and to Snow White.

“It’s hidden. I’ve been saving it for a rainy day.”

“Yeah well it’s storming like a bitch.”

Tricking them, he makes Emma retrieve it for him out of the belly of Maleficent who was trapped as a dragon in our world. Emma slays her and gets the potion but Mr. Gold takes it not planning to help Henry at all.

Henry dies while that happens; flat lining while Mary Margret is reading to him after telling David there is no reason to stay in Storybrooke, not for her anyway. Upon returning after Gold's betrayal, Regina and Emma return too late. Crying, Emma kisses Henry after she whispers that she loves him using true love's kiss to break the sleeping curse and Regina's curse over all of Storybrooke. The blue fairy tells Regina to hide and before she runs off she tells Henry that she does love him no matter what anyone says.

Meanwhile Mr. Gold is walking with Bell recently released thanks to Jefferson—The Mad Hatter who is trying to get revenge on Regina who didn't keep good to her deal from "An Apple As Red As Blood." Both Bell who now remembers and now Rumplestiltskin are heading to the well which "is said to return what was lost" and Rumple drops the love potion into the well causing purple smoke to appear and cover the whole town. Bell asks what's happening and that's when Rumple says that it's magic and when she ask why she says because “magic is power,” still showing he's as power hungry as ever.

As the cloud covers the town, Emma asks Henry what is it and he says “something bad.” The purple cloud of cliffhangers envelops the whole town including Snow and James after they embraced in the center of town finally together again after David almost left town but the curse broke just in time before he reached the boundaries. They hold each other tightly as the cloud swallows them and Regina back in her mansion, smiles wickedly far from ever giving up on making her own happy ending.

So what's next for the now highly anticipated season 2? Who knows but you can bet According to Michael III will let you know when it finds out! But until tomorrow, According to Michael III, magic is power, but power corrupts as Rumple well knows.

Michael III

Thursday, May 24, 2012

"Will Smith-Save Us" PSA from Sneaky Zebra that's funny and full of wit, but completely right

It's true Will Smith, you are our "first, last, and only line of defense from the worst song in the universe” (Will Smith-Save Us; PSA).

So this post is not for the Will haters and the Bull lovers. This post is for those who are intelligent enough to realize that Will Smith is the greatest rapper ever and a brilliant and talented actor. It's also for those who are recent “dislikers” of Pitbull or like me have never been fans of the extremely raunchy rapper.

But I'm like Sneaky Zebra, when I first heard "Nod Ya Head" “I nodded my head do hard I had to get my spine realigned” (Will Smith-Save Us; PAS). And with the way rap is nowadays, crappy and raunchy—always talking about sex drugs and money, how they made it out of the hood...yet they still act like they're in it or actually do live in it; I was constantly looking and hoping that Will Smith would be doing another album. Lost and Found was fantastic and so was the actual song that the album is named after because it talks about the difference between rappers who just tap for the sake of rapping and true MC's that not only do it because they love the music but they also realize the influence they have on the people especially the young people and how they shouldn't abuse that power.

Lost is when you hide behind the freedom of speech, well sure you're free to do it but what it mean to do it? Did you mean to do it, did you need to do it, did you take time to think about the seeds you ruined!?

Will has always been about taking rap and showing that it doesn't have to be cool only in the hands of a “gangsta.” He showed that music doesn't need to be raunchy to sell, and I'll say it once and I’ll say it a million times over—he was the first rap Grammy, televised or not. If gangsta rap was so great they would have been first and he did it when he was only a "kid." So what's depressing? Knowing Will Smith allowed Pitbull, who strongly stands for what Will Smith was always against, to do the theme for MIB3.

At first I thought, okay, maybe Will is trying to give the new generation a chance. I thought maybe Pitbull would actually make a good hit. So I gave the song the benefit of the doubt and I shouldn't have. The song starts off with the music playing and Pitbull whispers:

Let's excuse me baby

Go, yeah you baby

Back, ooh you groovy baby

In, let's make a movie baby

Time, excuse me baby

Let's, yeah you baby

Go, ooh you groovy baby

Back in, let's make a movie baby...

WHAT'S DOES A PORNO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO ABOUT MEN IN BLACK 3!? Yeah, he was talking about a sex tape or just sex in general for those of you that are so naive that the reference just went right over your head. I thought maybe with an actual topic already set for him, Pitbull would actually keep it clean, and in the words of Chowder from Cartoon Network’s Chowder, "GAAAAAH! I was wrong I was horribly wrong!" From that moment on I was completely turned off from the song and while I listened to the rest of it nothing about it made me want to listen to it ever again. I'd rather listen to Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe." NO! I'd rather listen to Rebecca Black's "Friday" a thousand times before I had to listen to "Back in Time" ever again. Yeah I feel that strongly about it. So I can't understand it.

I know the PSA was a joke—it is clever using movies and songs from Will’s past all the way from the Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince days to prove a point—but all of us were expecting Will to do another song since he's two for three. But he didn't and if anything we should know why, but I'm sorry, Will, you owe us a song for allowing something you stood against to take the lead. So what, it's been seven years since Lost and Found and you forget just how right now, besides probably B.o.B, you're the only positive light in the Hip-Hop world and you allowed the light to dim the moment you didn't make an MIB tie in song for MIB3, and then you dropped nitrous oxide on the rest of the flames once you let Pitbull do the song. Those flames spread quickly and made us laugh until we all went, “No seriously, where is the song Will made?” We all died inside when we realized you hadn’t made one. "The song is complete bull pit..." (Will Smith-Save Us; PSA)! "Hey guys I have an awesome idea! For the new Will Smith movie let’s have Pitbull do the song! [Man gets slapped]” (Will Smith-Save Us; PSA). That's just terrible.

This started as a joke but I took it personally and so should you if you're a fan of Will Smith. "I personally cannot stand Pitbull, and wish that he was not anywhere near the soundtrack. It reminds me of the horrible Bobby Brown theme song for Ghostbusters 2. Do you want Will Smith to save us from this horrible song" ( That's a good question; do you? Will, you probably hear this all the time, but I'm one of your biggest fans and it sucks that Pitbull was even allowed to be asked to the song. “So please Will Smith, please Will Smith, please Will Smith, please Will Smith, Please Will Smith, please Will Smith you're our first last and only line of defense against the worse song of the universe" (Will Smith-Save Us; PSA). Please, please, please make a new song! You're already in the studio working with Mar Edwards for a new album (, so you could have taken some time to make the MIB3 song. So please, make it. If I know anything, you were already thinking about what you could make that song to be and I get the feeling it wasn't you that passed up on the song; someone else did that for you. Or at least I hope someone else did that for you. Anyway, until next time, According to Michael III, check out Sneaky Zebra's PSA and spread the word. "Will Smith-Save Us."

Michael III (Will Smith-Save Us PSA) (Chowder “pepper spray” clip in case you didn’t get the reference up above.)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"Hancock" The Ups and the Downs. So where does that leave the sequel?

So I was already thinking about adding it to the list but I didn’t need to because of the fact when I walked into the house on Sunday my mom and my sister were already watching it. Hancock, that’s right, the superhero movie that actually put Will Smith in the seat of a superhero but this time gave him actual powers. Hancock got it’s notoriety from being the different kind of superhero. He was a drunk who cussed a lot and caused a lot of damage when he saved people. Even at one point he apparently saved the day completely naked:

“I will fight crime butt-ass naked before I fight it in that, Ray.
You know, you have fought naked. We got that. That's on Youtube.”

Yeah, I may love Will Smith because he’s a phenomenal actor and still, no matter what anyone says, the greatest rapper ever, but I don’t ever want to see the man naked. No thanks. But I was watching the movie and I realized why there have been mixed reviews about it, it did great in theaters but people have different opinions on it. Some people thought it was a great movie and some thought it was a terrible movie and I can see both sides of the argument. For me, personally, I still thought it was a great movie, even after rewatching it with an analytical mind. It was different, well written, it was something no one had ever tried before and it pushed a lot of barriers and showed the reality of life.

The storyline, once Mary comes into the story, says Hancok was created by something or someone along with a lot of others to be the saviors of the world. Out of them all Hancock was really the one in charge of keeping the world safe and so after a while, probably tired of their immortality, the rest paired up with their significant others and died off with the chances of having a normal life. From what Mary hints at, Hancock and she continued to stay together every once in a while, but the minuet they wanted Hancock out of the way they came for her and he would get hurt in the process trying to protect her. Basically a case of race seeing as since the beginning of time Africans or people of color were always looked down upon and seen as lesser beings and the last time Hancock was hurt for Mary was eight years ago from 2008 when the movie was released. That would have been during segregation times and they were in the south holding hands. See, showing the reality of the world. One of the reasons why I liked the movie.

The fact that Hancock was also not only a drunk hero but he was a hero no one liked was something different. Most of the time, heroes are hated by some of the people in Batman and AMS case, the authorities, but in the case of Hancock everyone didn’t like how he saved the day. An example was him throwing the whale back into the ocean. So it was for once a hero trying to redeem themselves for the people not because of some sort of tragedy in their lives or forgetting to realize flashing money wasn’t the way to live. Plus, adding to the different, while most heroes are lovers this was the first time that I know of where the hero’s “kryptonite” is his lover. It was an all-around witty and smart movie and I’ve been waiting for the second one to come around.

Now I know some people aren’t waiting for a second one because they didn’t like the movie. Why? Well from what I’ve heard and agreed with, sort of, he didn’t fight an actual villain. He didn’t have one. Which, in my opinion, if you pay attention to the story, there is no one that can compare to him; and the movie was trying to be different than the normal superhero tale. But yeah, it is nice to see your super strong hero actually go man-to-man with someone who can take it; which he kind of did with Mary, who has shown she is significantly stronger with her storm powers. That could be because Hancock never really trained with his powers so who knows he could have them; but Mary smacked him around a bit so we got a little action there.

Another reason why was because of the fact that he had a trigger word; something that would set them over the edge if it was said to hurt them. His being “A-hole” and Mary’s “crazy.” Now to me that showed the “human” side to them. Everyone has their limits and seeing as they were once considered “gods” how dare some insignificant mortals insult them. But I get where they are coming from with that.

Another reason was the graphics are extremely cheesy. I don’t know if it’s because we watched the movie now on our high-definition TV and it looks that way but I always remember the graphics looking a little off and I don’t care if it’s a “different” type of action movie or not, people need to have good graphics for action movies. Will Smith produced it; he should have been able to dish out the cash for some good graphics.

And for me, one reason why I didn’t like it was because Mary was a selfish B****. I’m sorry, the man continually almost dies for the woman but she decides that’s not good enough one day? Not okay? She just seemed like a whiny little girl as well, especially once Ray finds out the truth. She blames Hancock during the fight and screams that she is finally happy but when she tells him the truth while they are in the hospital it’s implied that Hancock did nothing wrong except probably save her life way too many times.

So it had its ups and downs but I’m really hoping that they go ahead and make the sequel. They have been talking about it since the movie basically came out and they do have plans to actually make a villain be a super powered one for those of you who wanted some more fighting. Which to me opens up a realm of possibilities. I mean from what Mary said they can only die together. If one survives so does the other if they can get away from one another; so if the villain is like Hancock and Mary then that means the villain’s significant other has to still be alive as well. Which means we could not only see a fight between Hancock and another super powered being but a fight between all three: Hancock, Mary, and the significant other because it seems like they only want one villain making the other being possibly a good guy and think about the possibilities one could do with a scene and a storyline like that.

It makes me understand why they haven’t just gone ahead and done the next movie, they are really trying to hammer it all out before they get it going. On Wikipedia it says, “Director Peter Berg said prior to Hancock's release that if the film pulls in as much business as predicted, a sequel, Hancock 2, would likely follow. After the film's release on DVD and Blu-ray Disc, actor Will Smith said that there was ongoing discussion about a possible sequel, ‘The ideas aren't [...] developed, but we are building out an entire world; I think people are going to be very surprised at the new world of Hancock.’ In August 2009, Columbia Pictures hired screenwriters Adam Fierro and Glen Mazzara to write the sequel, and the studio plans to bring back the producing team from the original film. Charlize Theron confirmed that she would reprise her role, and Berg said to expect a third actor to star as another figure with powers like Smith's and Theron's characters.” And all the information is cited on Wikipedia if you want to go check it out for yourself to make sure someone didn’t just put that up there to try and get a story going.

They have a lot of work to do, and I’m excited because action movies have changed in the few short years since Hancock so it will be a mind bomb to see what they do next. Anyway, until tomorrow, According to Michael III, Hancock is still a movie I can watch over and over again.

Michael III


So if you haven’t noticed, the numbers on the “who’s reading” counter have continued to grow and grow. It’s on a seven day period and I plan on doing something big if I can get 300 or more views in one week! So keep spreading the word if you like what you read! And forgive me for not posting on Wednesday, I was busy all day, and if you haven’t noticed yet I take Sunday’s off. But Monday-Friday I’m trying to post all day. So bear with me. This is a one man job and I do have another life. I moonlight as a Superhero known as the Black Mamba! J

Michael III

Monday, May 21, 2012

The List

Alright so I've noticed something. If you've been following for a while or at least gone back and read after a wonderful friend of yours recommended you to this site or you just happen to be blog surfing, then you know I talk about movies a lot that I haven't actually seen. So instead of the usual post today I'm going to go ahead and make a list of all the movies I need to see by the ending of this year. Plus movies that I want to watch again and write about because I want to keep brushing up on my movie reviews since some big blockbusters other than The Avengers are coming out. And if I don't do it then I will have my wife slap me a few times. And if I think of anymore movies I'll add to the list and repost when I think of it. So here we go:

Movies I haven’t seen:

1. Chronicle

2. The Lorax

3. The Underworld Series

4. All five Fast and Furious...wait, no I’ve at least seen the first one

5. Men In Black 3

6. The Family that Preys

7. All Four Terminators

Movies I need to rewatch for reboots, sequels, prequels or just because I’m sure you haven’t seen them and I want to talk about them:

1. The Fantastic Four and Rise of the Silver Surfer

2. The Dark Knight

3. Re watch ALL 3 Lord of the Rings

4. The Phantom

5. Who Framed Roger Rabbit

6. The Shadow

7. Toy Story 1, 2, & 3

8. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

9. Prince Caspian

10. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

11. All 3 X-Men's and X-Men Origins: Wolverine and First class

12. Inception

13. Men In Black 1 & 2