Saturday, June 30, 2012

Love is a crazy notion to begin with... Short Video Recap on "Best Marriage Proposal EVER. -Portland Oregon (High Quality)"

“People do crazy things, when they’re in love.”

—Hercules from Disney’s Hercules

Isn’t that a great line from that movie? Leave it to Disney to just touch the hearts of millions with just one simple line. Of course Meg says it first to him but he repeats it to her when she wakes back up after he risks his life to save hers. But don’t get it twisted, this post isn’t about Hercules, and it also will be a shorter post than normal. No what I want to talk about is the awesome proposal; probably the best one to ever hit the internet besides Isaiah Mustafa proposing for a man because he asked him too.

The video is titled Best Marriage Proposal EVER. -Portland Oregon (High Quality) and I honestly love it. Shout out to my buddy Kiet for posting this on his Facebook because it made my day too. Oh, and look out for this guy on Broadway or in the music store or on iTunes because he can sing and he can act his butt off—check him out on Facebook @ and listen to his melodic voice. But, advertising for a friend aside, when I first saw this video I laughed and thought about when I proposed to my wife and how if I had come up with something this awesome she probably would have looked at me like I was crazy. But as it was I still made that moment special and I did get down on that one knee. What we got to realize though is every proposal is going to be different due to the fact that every couple is different, well every woman is different…and before I get into trouble I’m going to leave that one alone. But it was cool that this man, Isaac Lamb an actor from Portland—figures, only “show biz” folks would be able to come up with something this legitimate—got six of his friends and together they choreographed a dance to the song “Marry You” by Bruno Mars, off his debut album “Doo-Wops & Hooligans,” where they get Isaac’s girlfriend Amy Beth Frankel to sit on the back of a car and as someone drives slowly while she’s wearing headphones they sing and dance to her. At the ending Isaac walks up and sings the last few bars as everyone makes way for him and while everyone is holding spirit fingers he proposes to her. I’m not going to ruin the answer for you, you’ll have to check it out for yourself, but if anything the dancing and singing and the cute couples that come up to the front to do their bit makes your heart just melt; I don’t agree when it came down to the two guys kissing, but that’s my opinion, yours could be different.

The video helps you believe in love once again, or if you’ve always believed in love then it strengthens that belief and gives you proof that you can show someone who doesn’t believe. This world needs more love; too many divorces, women without children, children dying because their parents are abusive instead of disciplinary, children without fathers, it’s all messed up and twisted. As I celebrated my first father’s day and started off with this video this was just something I had to share with everyone else. I hope you enjoy it, but until next time, According to Michael III, love does make people do the craziest of things, but being in love is a crazy notion to begin with, and if you’ve been in love or are in love, you know exactly what I mean. Watch the video below and I’ll catch you all later.

Michael III

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