Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"John Carter" is fantastic! But the reviews and critics killed it!

I honestly have never been able to stand Critics, they are seriously annoying.
So this past week, my wife and I were sitting with one of my millions of sisters in law trying to figure out what to watch. I obviously wanted to watch a movie, mainly The Two Towers because my parents were out of town and when I told them we were watching it when my wife was living with her dad still while we were just engaged we decided to make our kid...so I’m trying to watch that with her when they're not home so they don't ask any questions. And because of The Hobbit this winter. Anyway, long, probably too much information, explanation aside; I got up to go grab it when I saw the unopened recently bought family copy of Disney's John Carter. My reaction was instantly, "Ooooh! Cool!" so I grabbed it and opened it and popped it into the Blue Ray.

Before I tell you my reaction let me just say this: It's very rare when a movie that is based off the book doesn't follow the book and still is a good movie. My mother is a very avid reader and wanting to see the movie she went and bought the first three books of the eleven book three decades long series. She always loves comparing books to the movie and sadly, as well all know, the movie can let us down. It's very rare when a movie follows the book to the T and only changes maybe one thing but still is an enjoyable experience. Honestly, it baffles me that us avid readers still hope the movie will be good, I don't know why, we really should give up that notion and just be surprised if it’s right.

Anyway, my mother had already told me the movie didn't really follow the book but it was still fantastic. My father went to go see it with her and loved it too. I was surprised my mom had said what she said. Even rarer is the fact when we like the movie because it was all on its own. But I had heard the mix reviews from critics and it didn't do well in the box office, but I loved it.

The movie constantly had me wondering what's going to happen next from the minuet Daryl Sarbara began to read—to the trippy and happy ending that had me waiting for more. Seeing the novel that apparently birth sci-fi on the big screen, meaning my flat screen, was awesome. The fact that Edgar Rice Burroughs thought of this fantastic world away from our world back in the early 1990's is amazing. Just in my short 20 years technology has advanced from tapes to MP3's and he was imagining stuff in the early part of the 1900's that's still thousands possibly millions of years out of our reach. The movie was eye candy with the graphics; it had a great classic super hero rising to the cause storyline with not only Carter but with his nephew who plays Edgar. In case you don't know the series is written by Edgar Rice Burroughs who is “the nephew of Carter”...trippy right? It had the tragic romance with a happy ending—as Disney does, and it had the action and comedy. But not only that, it blended it all well together and like I said it keeps you on the edge of your seat. So why did it do so bad?

Probably bad advertising. Everybody kept talking about how people should go see it because it's what birth their favorite Sci-Fi’s like Star Wars, Avatar, Star Gate SG1, Atlantis, and Universe, Battlestar Galactica, Aliens, and etc. And in my opinion, stating how old the story was really doesn't make people want to go see it. America does not care about history, we act like we do, but we don't. So because of that people were put off from a movie that is based off the original, but was a new as the little girl I had a month ago! So what the heck!?

I'm going to leave with this, if you haven't seen John Carter you need to see it! It was awesome and they do want to do the sequel but because of the fact they only made 32,788,100 more than they spent, which was 250 mil, they have put the untitled sequel based off of John Carter: The Gods of Mars on hold. Which, by the title, if you’ve seen the movie, will help us figure out why the Therns were evil when they were supposed to be servants of the goddess. And I don't have time to read it right now, I'm reading Ted Dekker's The Circle series so that's almost 1000 and a half pages I'm already starting. So spread the word about me and Carter! Anyway, until next time, According to Michael III, John Carter was legit...I think I'm going to watch it again!

Michael III

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