Friday, July 20, 2012

"Mockingjay" is in two parts? And anyone else hear about the shoot out!?

Okay, so this is all getting a
tinsy bit ridiculous and it needs to stop.
Remember when it was “cool” that books were being split up into two
parts for the movie, yeah, well not anymore.
It’s been done twice already and the second half of that craze comes out
this November, but of course another big book-movie franchise just had to go
and do it as well…here’s the problem: THERE ISNT ENOUGH TO MAKE A SECOND MOVIE!
I’m pretty sure you know what
I’m talking about. It’s not that hard to
guess. I’m talking about Mockingjay, the final installment of The Hunger Games Trilogy. You see, November 23rd is when
Katniss and Peeta enter the ring once again to battle for the title of victor
with a bunch of other crazy and lovable characters that come along for the ride
in Catching Fire. And forgive me if you didn’t know they go
back in, I did say spoiler alert. But
come on, who hasn’t read the books by now trying to get a jist of what will be
on the big screen? I know I read them
all in one week a couple of months before The
Hunger Games came out so yeah, it can be done.
But let’s talk about Mockingjay; the final, and to me, almost
as anticlimactic as Breaking Dawn,
novel is of course being adapted into a movie.
It wouldn’t make sense to do books one and two but then go, “Nah, let’s
not do the third one.” Anyway, what’s
shocking is the fact that this movie will also be broke up into two parts. Here’s my problem with this, it’s just a scam
to make more money. See, if you’re a Twilight fan, which I am—don’t judge me,
or if you’re a Harry Potter fan,
which I’m not—again don’t judge me, you know that the final installments of
those book series were LARGE enough to break up into
two different movies. Hell, let’s face it;
HP as big as all those novels were
could have had fourteen movies. Even I
know that, and I’ve never even read a single book. Breaking
Dawn same deal. It had enough info
to set it up for two movies, and a story line that had three parts to it. But it had the perfect ending point for a
movie, Bella waking up finally a vampire.
Everything else that takes place after is cool until the battle that
should but doesn’t happen. And if they
ever decide to REBOOT and DO RIGHT The Inheritance Cycle, all those books could be two movies
especially Eldest and Inheritance. Shoot, The
Hobbit is being broken up into two parts and to me that makes perfect sense. Even though they were able to put all of the
other three in one movie, they’re splitting up the prologue because now it’s “cool”
to do that but it’s a book that has the ability to be split up into two parts
so it also makes sense.
The idea of two movies was
cool. The Twilight people came up with it first, and then Harry Potter rushed to try and have it
done as well and succeeded with both parts to the point part 2 is now a record
breaker. Breaking Dawn; Part 2 may also break some records…actually now that
I think about it, it comes out the same month as Catching Fire…this should be interesting. But Mockingjay? Come on!
There is sooooooo not enough in that book to make two movies. The stupid war happens, nothing really
important besides her killing that one resistant chick, who I disliked so much
I can’t remember, and don’t feel the need to go and look up, her name, and then
they just send her home like nothing happened, she has two kids and depresses
the moment that she actually had kids.
Oh, and Peeta and Katniss have sex, for those of you who were naïve like
my little sister and totally didn’t catch that scene once they were back home
in the final chapter. Honestly, how do
you think the kids got there?
Truly, there isn’t really
anywhere they can cut this story off and make everyone wait, there isn’t much
that happens, and so I’m trying to understand why November 21st 2014
is Mockingjay; Part 1, and Novemeber
20th 2015 is Mockingjay; Part
2. Not only are they making us wait,
but they’re doing it for a whole year.
Why can’t they just be like New
Moon and Eclipse—we only waited
six months. It’s just a ploy to make
more money and it’s sad. Not to mention
Jennifer Lawrence is young Mystique for First
Class, and I so do not want to be waiting until 2016 for the second First Class to come out, because, yes,
as far as I know, Fox is willing to wait for her to finish The Hunger Games Trilogy first before she does the movie. They already were waiting for her to finish Catching Fire but if she’s going to be
going straight through with these movies then we’re waiting a while to see the
genius that is First Class end up
back on the big screen and I’d rather see that any day then an extra Hunger Games movie for a book I really
didn’t even like.
(Sigh). Honestly I’m still holding on for Breaking Dawn; Part 2 because they might
just let the fight happen. Meyer doesn’t
seem to have too much control over what happens and that was apparent when
Felix and Edward duked it out in New Moon
which didn’t happen in the book. But it
made Bella crying out “No, don’t, take me instead” (and I paraphrased that FYI)
a little more realistic and more emotional—if Stewart can even being emotional. Oh well, tell me what you guys think. But until next time, According to Michael
III, this is completely stupid and no I’m not all giddy about seeing both
—Michael III

P.S. And on a sad side note, to all my friends and family that weren't in Colorado at the time, I praise God you weren't. My prayers do go out to the families of the "Dark Knight Rises" shooting in Colorado. And I hope the bastard that did it fries. I just heard about it as I was pasting this up here and I had to say something about it. I'm over here crying because I can't see the movie this weekend, and the most tragic incident since VT happened last night at the midnight premiere in Colorado. I may not be seeing the movie but there are hundreds of families who now have something else to worry about. God be with you all.

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