Saturday, July 14, 2012

The "Justice League" movie and the work that needs to be done

Okay, let's talk about the work that needs to be done.

With The Dark Knight Rises coming out next week and Man of Steel hitting theaters next year battling the going to be brilliant and exceptional Iron Man 3 after the success of The Avengers this year we need to look at the work that needs to be done for the Justice League movie. And boy is there work to be done.

According to "the Justice League movie has finally been given the green light." The article continues to talk about how Marvel used the heroes separate movies to do little hints to The Avengers so they're hoping DC will do the same and we'll see maybe a glimpse or a hint at Superman in The Dark Knight Rises. Which would be cool, but at this point I don't care because that's not the important stuff. The important stuff is the work that needs to be done for the JL movie.

First thing is first, Dark knight. They're going to have to have Christopher Nolan to help with the script. If they're going to use Bale as Batman and use the Batman from The Dark Knight Trilogy then they need to have Christopher's genius on the script. Maybe not the whole script but he needs to be there to make sure his Batman doesn't get screwed up. Or else they'd have to reboot the entire series and they so don't want to do that. Batman is a hit or miss and Christopher not only hit but he also hit it out of the park so they'd piss off a lot of fans trying to redo what he's already accomplished.

Superman, same deal—it's a hit or miss. I haven't followed the Man of Steel that much because of the fact I still believe Tom Welling would have been perfect for the movie since Smallville was ending, but nooooo! I didn't have the blog then so my voice didn't matter much I guess. But seriously, ten years as Superman is enough to prove he can do it. But it all comes down to the movie next year, if it's a success, then it will be the real start to making a JL, they will have two heroes done and accounted for, and if they already know what they want to do for the JL movie they can start putting in their hints with Man of Steel. But that's only the beginning; there is still A LOT of work to be done. Shall I continue?

As far as I know, to make a JL movie you need to have your main heroes who lead the teams; two are down with Superman and Batman. Next, in my opinion, you need Wonder Woman, GL, Green Arrow, Flash, and maybe Hawk Man and Hawk Girl; the other heroes, i.e. every other DC hero, falls into place. See here's how I see it: The Avengers, as awesome as it was, was EASY! When you compare it to JL you know I'm right. The Avengers is a small group of heroes who do intermingle with Spider-Man and the X-Men and The Fantastic Four, as far as I know—remember not a huge Avengers fan—and that's simple. The JL is the ENTIRE DC Universe of heroes coming together to defeat problems too big even for a small group. The JL were the team to stop the evil plots that would actually succeed in taking over or destroying the world. You only really need to do the movies for the main leaders of the team and the other heroes can fall into place and maybe if the fans like them they'll get their own movie. Honestly, if DC was smart they would use this to their advantage and every time they want to do a JL movie still have the main plot introduced in the movies, but do it by using new movies with heroes who had small parts in the last JL movie. That way it's new and fresh always. That's what I would do, and then DC would get a lot more of their heroes recognition instead of them being only mentioned in lame shows like Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Long explanation short, you need the main leaders to do the first movie, here's the problem with that even though Batman and Superman are done.

Green Lantern: I liked the movie but everyone else didn't. And that's because DC and Marvel need to realize that while they're are comic book fans, a majority of their fans are coming from the audience that watches the TV shows that generation. My generation grew up with a Black Green Lantern named John Stewart. That was literally the question I always heard, "I thought the Green Lantern was black?" Not everyone knows who Hal Jordan is. And in retrospect while Ryan Reynolds did good with what they gave him, whoever wrote the script and did the storyboard didn't make GL the beast his is. He has a ring that can create anything and frankly everyone's constructs were weak. Oh! And also, not everyone knows that Sinestro was a GL first before he went evil. They have to reboot GL for the JL movie, that's a given. But if they want to get more fans I’m thinking Will Smith as John Stewart, that's the start. Maybe even Denzel but he'd have to beef up for it.

Wonder Woman: Well they need to have a woman come on board and do the movie, no men, this is Amazonian territory. They were going to do a TV show that was cancelled before it started because they tried to make Wonder Woman something she's not, a pansy. They got this skinny little twig to play her when WW is a freaking Amazon! She's supposed to be big—muscularly, pretty as well but big…Laila Ali status! And they also messed with the costume, and it just went downhill from there. To make JL survive we need a WW movie written and directed by a woman who knows the comics, plain and simple and will stay true to the truth.

Green Arrow: The problem with him is he has a TV show coming out his fall. Doing a movie opens up a lot of what do we do? Do we use the TV show as a background? Do we use the same actors, is it completely separate? Is this going to mess with the show? What do the fans want? Can the TV actor pull it on the big screen? And etc. enough said on Green Arrow.

Flash: They need some really good graphics, because unlike Superman, Flash uses the Super Speed all the time, and they would have to get a good looking skinny guy with a funny personality. But once again they would have to have the character from TV from this generation, because I know there are like two, I believe, plus Kid Flash

Hawk Man and Hawk Girl: I take them off the list as "leaders" of the JL and add—

Black Canary: She's the on and off fling of Green Arrow and she's got the fighting skills of Batman along with the awesome power to scream at pitches that can knock someone off their feet. She's a leader in my book at least according to the JL TV show and Young Justice. Again—TV show fans are most likely more prominent than Comic fans.

As of right now, I'm pretty sure there is a lot more...J’ONN! The Martian Manhunter! He needs a movie too and I have no idea what his origin story is but it would be best for him to come after Superman because Superman opens up the possibility of Earth accepting aliens. Denzel would actually be perfect for John. Weird two major black superheroes named John…loosely, and don't trip. We both know John in the TV shows had a black man’s voice. But a lot of work needs to be done.

These movies seriously have to be on point every single one! Because the minuet one of the heroes isn't what people want to see then that's when the fans won't want them on the big screen ever again and so a reboot must happen and we can't wait forever on this movie. Now a maybe smarter route would be to have Batman's attention in The Dark Knight Rises point at Superman and he says something about looking into it, like some government agency wants him to check out SM to make sure he's legit and not dangerous and then in Man of Steel have Bale make a cameo as Bruce Wayne in Metropolis and hint at maybe a Batman/Superman movie first and use that as a setup for JL.

Like the two of them talk about recruiting heroes for the team for a bigger threat that’s mention in the SM&BM movie and the first half of the JL movie is finding the other leaders of the team and getting them ready. Once they defeat the big baddie something else threatens the world and they realize that they're not enough so that's when they start making the team bigger. No matter what they do, JL is going to be a complicated feat but I have no doubt they will pull it off and I can't wait until they do. But you see that this isn't going to be easy and I'm pretty sure you've thought of something I've already missed, especially if you're a comic book fan. But you know I go with what I know.

Anyway, until next time, According to Michael III, it's going to be sweet to see how they pull this going to be HUGE—and I can't stress that enough—movie together. It's going to be one wild ride, but we'll probably get two more Avengers during that time especially since after Man of Steel we won’t see a DC movie again until 2016…so we'll be good while we wait!

Michael III

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