Saturday, May 26, 2012

I Thank Friday's for "Grimm!" TV Recap on Season One Finale "The Woman in Black."

Okay, it was so painfully obvious that Nick's mom was the woman in black. Like really? Am I the only one that saw that coming? Or is it just because I’m writer and guessing plot lines has come easy to me?

Anyway, in case you have no idea what I'm talking about I'm talking about Grimm’s season finale in which the man suspected of killing Nick's parents is looking for the gold coins that drive everyone crazy. Having hired a private eye and using the information he goes and attacks the Captain first but the captain keeps his life due to the fact that they were already on the killers trail. But push comes to shove as Nick and Monroe find a way to subdue this man without killing him so Nick can question him about his parents. But he misses with the poisoned dart and end up in a fight to the death which is interrupted by a woman who uses the dart to knock out the guy whose name I can't find anywhere! And then after she calls nick ‘Nicky’ he calls her mom.


But that's not all! Adeline once again strikes at Nick’s heart by using a drugged/spelled/charmed/cursed cat to scratch Juliette. Upon hearing that it's Adeline's cat that scratched her Nick wants to take her to a hospital but she refuses to go until she hears the truth so Nick takes her to the trailer and tells her everything. I calmed down at this point because if you watched the week’s episode before the finale, "Big Feet," you know Hank is seriously in the need of having Nick tell him the truth and when I saw the preview for "The Woman in Black" I was upset that he was telling Juliette when Hank is the one he has really needed to tell for a while. He keeps seeing these Vessen when he’s on the job, and if Hank knew he could help instead of Nick constantly tap dancing around his partner and best friend about his other life. But Juliette’s life was and is in danger so I get it now, he was trying to save the woman he loves. She also the woman who said no to his proposal and most guys would walk away when a girl says no to the next step, not hang around like everything is going to change in a blink of an eye.

Not believing Nick when he shows her the trailer he makes a last ditch effort to have Monroe show her his Blutbaden form but she faints before he can show her and they take her to the hospital. Nick goes to get the cat and takes it to Rosalee to see what she can do while also trying to hunt down Adeline who has skipped town. That's when he gets the call from Hank who has had his house ransacked by the guy who attacked the Captain and he goes home to get into the fight and inadvertently runs into his, like my wife said, "supposed to be dead" mother. While Juliette's heart starts racing in the hospital and she opens her eyes and they go completely black giving you the sense that something evil has just taken over. What more of a cliff hanger would you expect from the people that brought you Buffy and Angel?

So what’s next now that Juliette has been told the truth and is having some magic done to her and Nicks mom is alive? Where’s the dad? Will Rosalee be able to help Juliette? Is Hank who is last seen holding a shot gun in his chair ever going to be okay? All questions that will be answered when Grimm returns late summer. That's right, screw the norm! They're not waiting until the fall! Which I’m happy about because we have a lot of questions and they got the answers. But until next time, According to Michael III, I don’t thank Grimm it's Friday—I thank Friday’s for Grimm.

Michael III

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