Saturday, March 31, 2012

Don't eat my cookies!

As promised here is tonight’s recap on Grimm.

Well, a lot happened in this episode, first off, let’s just say “Awwww,” for Monroe who finally has a girl that he likes and isn’t going to take him hunting in the forest to have sexual intercourse like a dog and kill bunnies for food…that was a creepy episode, let me tell yeah, and that poor, poor rabbit never had the chance. But this new girl she’s not a Blutbaden but she’s something close, she’s a Fuchsbau…whatever that is; but she’s nice and Monroe is totally sprung over her. Her name is Julia.

Speaking of sprung, the Captain and the Hexenbiest that works for him finally put their play into action by attacking Nick’s partner, Hank. So far all season long I’ve been wondering how the Captain plays into this and now out of the wood work he seems to be making big changes. He already has proven he is of some sort of royal line by being able to control the Reapers, but until then he’s been able to conceal what he is to Nick and keep playing his cards. A similar trait to the other shows the creators of Grimm have worked on. David Greenwalt, Jim Kouf, and Stephen Carpenter all have worked on and created great shows such as Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and its spin-off, Angel. In both cult classic shows the villain of the season most of the time stays in hiding until just the right moment when we think our hero is never going to figure it out, then it comes back to bite them in the butt and somehow they prevail over them in the finale. The problem is, Nick has already shown he’s more into being a Cop than a Grimm, so when it comes down to taking out the Captain when he finally shows his true face I don’t know if Nick will be able to do what needs to be done if locking him up won’t solve the problem.

This episode “Island of Dreams” while Nick and Monroe track down the murders of the shop owner from “Orange Grinder” who also happens to be Julia’s brother, Hank gets some very…okay, I can’t even say ‘tasty’ as a joke, they’re just groddy, cookies. The Hexenbiest made some sort of special mixture of cookies mixed with Hank’s blood and her blood that’s supposed to make him be completely obsessed with her and it’s already started. He’s seen her in his shower when she’s not there, walking down the stairs in some random building the druggies of the episode were in, and now he’s dreaming about her petting his head as he sleeps. But as he was sleeping he was shaking and sweating something fierce. She’s getting a hold on him, but I believe that it may not hold because Hank didn’t eat all the cookies.

Nope, Sergeant Wu ate the last one that Hank had brought to work and accidently left on his desk. Wu ate it and as a result almost died, but luckily Julia was in the apothecary business thanks to her family and was able to save his life…but he starts eating the stuffing of his couch pillows at the ending of the episode, so I don’t know what’s going on there or if he’s really okay. Clearly not but we learned something tonight didn’t we Wu? DON’T. EAT. MY. COOKIES!

I definitely believe that Hank was supposed to eat all those cookies because she told them not to share them with anyone because, “I made them just for you.” I don’t think she really cares if someone dies out of eating those cookies, but she would care if the spell didn’t hold so she was trying in a sly/seductive way to make sure he ate all the cookies; but he didn’t so the spell that the Hexenbiest cooked up may not hold now. I guess we’ll have to see. It was just a weird episode especially with the Mausehertz constantly showing up to help out and give gifts to Nick and his creepy eyed girlfriend. Oh don’t tell me I’m the only one who sees miss Bug Eyed. And to top off the weirdness in this episode, her eyes weren’t just bugged out tonight; no those suckers were straight up looking in different directions. Please tell me my wife and I weren’t the only one to see that.

Honestly this episode really didn’t have much to go off even though a lot happened, it was all separate in its own way and it really doesn’t seem like it will build, I guess we’ll have to wait and see. I am looking forward to seeing how the Captain and his little blonde servant are going to mess with Hank, though. Well, until tomorrow when I cap the awesome and never dull Once Upon A Time, According to Michael III, it’s always the brother that goes first.

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