Monday, March 26, 2012

A loss for Words: A miscellaneous "Smash" Recap

Sweet! Starting this in the middle of tonight’s Smash, “The Coup” and that was a nice little number. As Ellis keeps playing his little game of going back and forth and being a damn double spy (seriously, I have no idea what this kid is up to. I say kid and he’s like older than me); that Bowling number with the cast revamping “Dance to the Music” was very entertaining. I completely enjoyed it. And Ellis just told Ivy about Derek working with Karen...

Ellis is…well any of you that watch this show know that Ellis is just all over the place. But it’s not about him. He’ll get his episode eventually. Tonight is about Karen basically going behind the back of Tom and Julia to work on a new song for their baby, Marilyn; a musical about Marilyn Monroe for those of you that don’t know. For those of you that saw the last episode, “The Workshop” you know that Derek and Eileen were talking about changing some things since the workshop, in my opinion, and to basically everyone else, was a disaster. But they made it seem as if firing Michael as the male lead was the only thing they needed to do. WRONG! This episode shows a totally different story…and oh my gosh! I didn’t expect Eileen to actually bring Tom and Julia to the showing of the song…this is about to get ugly…

Okay, I stop paying attention in the middle of “Touch Me” because I can see why Tom and Julia are going to get upset, not only is not a song they wrote, but it’s a totally different feeling than the one they already had set up for Marilyn. So yes this is a total act of betrayal. Damn, even the new character, Kate, knows it was wrong. Great speech Kate! But Ivy is, let’s just say it, a bi***! (Originally I had that all spelled out, but I’m trying to keep this blog as clean as possible). And I so want to punch her lights out. She got the part and she just needs to relax. (Now that the episode is over and Eileen said they’re going to look for a star, maybe she should be a little uptight…)

Wow, some serious dirt just came out this episode between Tom and Derek. Honestly I’m kind of glad I grabbed my laptop and started typing during this episode because there is just way too much going on in this episode to try to recap it all at the ending.

From day one I’ve been in love with this show. I am a theater kid myself and the fact it was a show about creating a show for Broadway was already what piqued my interest. Then going deeper was the fact there is fantastic music in this show. Both the leads sing their hearts out and the composers compose the music beautifully for their original songs and for their covers. I love music, having sang my whole life and played the drums since I was seven. To me it’s just good, possibly over dramatic TV. A story line that keeps developing and developing besides the fact I don’t believe TV needs that much drama in one show. The reality of the fact is that crap does happen every day; cheating, backstabbing, lying, envy it’s all real and sometimes shows like Pretty Little Liars have too much of it; hint, why I only watched the first three episodes of this season of PLL and refuse to watch anymore. But this show blends it well because of the fact that the theater business is actually that ridiculous. You’ll start off all happy, but then the ugly extra heads of some people show up and it cause problems. Which is what makes the theater so magical—the fact that we all get through the drama to create art. This show blends it all together and I can’t wait to see where this season is going to lead.

It’s sad that originally they were talking about it wasn’t going to have a second season. I heard something like it wasn’t going anywhere. But you know what, Glee is on it’s what, fourth season? I don’t know I’m not a Glee fan. When it first came out it seemed like nothing but High School Musical only in TV show form, and while although I loved the story of the Wild Cats who embrace the theater, I don’t like Glee. It seems dumb to me and it still does, so no thank you.

But Smash seems real to me, not a bunch of high school nerds who have no idea what they’re doing, and I know I’ll piss off some people for saying that but I really don’t care. Honestly as Ivy and Derek get it on again, I’m at a loss for words for what will happen next or what has already happened. This is a show you have to experience for yourself if you already haven’t. This show is that good to the point it’s leaving me speechless and constantly on the edge of my seat. So I beg of you, next Monday at 10:00 p.m. sit down with your loved ones or by yourself and tune your TV to NBC, or even better, NBC HD if you have it, and enjoy the magic that is Smash. Until next time, According to Michel III, Steven Spielberg didn’t choose to produce this show for nothing!

Michael III

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