Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Guy, A Girl, and A Podcast

So in the world of entertainment, for those of us who are just starting out, I feel like we need to stick together. That's why today for me is A Guy, A Girl, and A Podcast Day. A good friend of mine, Brandon—A Guy, wants to get into film and he feels that talking about what's going on in the entertainment world will help with that (EP 1). So if you read the introduction of this blog you can see this podcast is basically me only spoken and recorded and with one extra tidbit. Behind every inspiring great young man is a beautiful young lady. The girl part is his girlfriend Christina. Together the two of them take on the entertainment world and other topics within the world in a range about thirty minuet podcast episodes.

I feel bad because Brandon is constantly keeping me updated in all the projects he does and before today I had only listened to one out of the now eleven episodes they have, including a recent one about this month’s hot topic: The Hunger Games. So I made a promise that I would listen to all of them before the days end...what he doesn't know is I'm giving them a review as I listen to them. And maybe, possibly, with each new episode I'll update a recap.

So! A Guy, A Girl, and A Podcast are, to me, absolutely great! Who says nothing can come out of Nevada? Look at Ellen Hopkins! These two are fantastic as they continue to be frantic and a little disorganized but in a way that works and makes you laugh! To be honest I was never much of a podcast listener. Like Christina says in the first episode, and I'm paraphrasing here, "who really wants to sit down and listen to someone talk for thirty minutes to an hour?" That was honestly my thought when Brandon first told me about it. Sorry, bro, I said no thank you...but he's a persistent artist and so he got me to listen to the first episode and I loved it, but I’ve been lagging on listening to the other ones, hint—the all-out ear gorge today.

Like I said this show is a little chaotic, they have an episode planned but it's a live show in a sense. They don't have a script they just have topics and they go off what one another says and sometimes it gets hysterical, like episode 3—that one had a lot of unnecessary laughter that just made me laugh with them. But it never gets annoying; no it constantly keeps you up to date with information in the entertainment world.

AGAGAPC, because I don't feel like typing that whole title, (Gosh guys, you couldn’t choose something shorter!?) is a great source of information if you want to check out some of your favorite stuff that deals with TV, Movies, Theater and etc. They have a Facebook page and a Twitter under the name of the show if you want to message them about something you may want to hear them converse about.

The two of them make a great pair; with this show you can see why they're a couple. Brandon, in my humble opinion, is the source of information. If you know him like I do or even if you just sit down and listen to the podcast which I hope you do, he just spills out what's in that head of his and Christina is the emphasis, the wonderful right wing that is the muse for every great artist. I should know, I have mine and I love her to death. But when you listen to these two it just comes alive how great a pair can be in just talking about the things they love or at least what one loves and the other loves to hear them talk about. Confusing? I know, but when you’re in love and you’re a talker, you understand. Sometimes your significant other just likes to listen to you ramble on and on. The cool thing is they have decided to record it for the rest of us to hear.

This is just the beginning for the two of them and I can't wait to hear what else they have to say as they continue to grow. They are getting into mentioning business and productions in the Reno area for those of you who feel there is nothing to do in this lovely town of ours. They also are going off topics in the world, like in one episode six they talk about the increased rate of interracial couples and marriages. You could have different opinions and maybe you can Tweet them about it or Facebook them about it and get your voice heard. Who knows they could talk about you in the next episode…hopefully they’ll say something nice. Don’t upset them! They’re on iTunes!

But don't just take it from me, these two are, like I just said, on iTunes for free go ahead and download all the episodes like me or just the new ones, especially the new one on The Hunger Games and hear what these two have to say and what they have to share. Or if you’re a lame-o and you don’t have iTunes then there is the Stitcher app as well. The first few episodes are a little low in quality, but as they grow you hear them talk about getting on iTunes, getting two different mics, using a University’s studio, and having a producer! Until next time, According to Michael III, A Guy, A Girl, and A Podcast are definitely worth listening too.

Michael III

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