Saturday, March 24, 2012

Stop screaming "TMNT" when you should be thinking "WWST!?"

So actually I lied, I’m going to jump ship. While I’m writing this it’s actually Saturday night and since I’m going to see the Hunger Games tomorrow I actually have no time what so ever to actually watch Fringe so I’m going to go ahead and do one of my other ideas that I’ve been contemplating.

So I’m pretty sure everyone has been dealing with the recent shock (some feel “betrayal”) from Michael Bay since he has decided that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles should be actually aliens from outer space. Bay says, ““These turtles are from an alien race, and they are going to be tough, edgy, funny and completely loveable” (

Honestly my initial reaction was W. T. F!!!!!!!!!? I mean seriously what is he thinking!? To me it just seems that Bay has gotten a little too big for his britches. So what? He makes billions upon millions of dollars by doing the Transformers Trilogy (which will now be a saga seeing as he is signed on to do another one []) and have a little success with the production of the movie adaptation of I Am Number Four—which I thought was great but I never read the books so what can I say?—and suddenly Bay thinks he can just do whatever he wants. Honestly, it just seems so commercial nowadays that, at some point when you start making the big bucks from a few changes you make and suddenly you can just change everything around like it was never what we knew in the first place. But then I started thinking!

Now from my profile, if any of you have actually taken the time to actually read it, you would know that I’m normally a writer for fiction. So when a very dear friend of mine sent me the link to the article there was one question that was asked that made me go off of this whole tangent. It made me start thinking from a writer’s standpoint and I realized that this could be either a great movie that people will still talk about for generations to come and go “wow, Bay was a freaking genius!” or they’ll say “I’m so glad he was the M. Night Shyamalan of the 2000’s” in a very sarcastic tone. Okay, that was just wrong. Sorry Shyamalan, that was just plain rude. Too many people expect you to be perfect, but come on man! I had high hopes for the Last Airbender!

But here is the question my lovely blog readers. EW’s Marc Snetiker asked, “What would Shredder think?”


What would Shredder think! WWST?

Holy crap! Just think about it. This whole alien plot line will be based off of two things. How is Shredder going to fit into this story line and what the heck about Master Splinter? Now if the turtles are supposed to be aliens then how does Splinter come into the story as their teacher? Is this going to be like a story like Son Goku, the legendary Super Saiyan; a powerful being from a different planet that got trained by someone to use his powers for good? And if so, then how is Splinter still a giant talking rat? Is his story going to be the same? For the turtles and Splinter, in the original story since 1984, they all end up in toxic waste that mutates them. Now it wouldn’t make sense for Splinter to still come from that story line when the turtles don’t. So my thought is Splinter will have to be an alien too. So will he be from the same planet? Will he be from a neighboring planet that is peaceful with the turtle’s people? And above all, how does he still end up being their master? For Christ’s sake, how does he even know the turtles!?

Then there comes in the reason why they’re on earth in the first place. Is Bay going to pull another transformers and their world was destroyed and Earth was the only suitable planet. Are they going to come with their whole race or are they going to be the only ones to survive? If the whole race comes are they going to be the only ones that are peacekeepers and the rest of the race wants to enslave the humans? And if that’s the case then the enemy won’t be Shredder and Bay might as well stop putting the TMNT stamp on it and roll with the fact it’s most likely Transformers 5, because we all know there will most likely be a fifth one. Just like Christopher Nolan is probably going to do fourth Dark Knight movie…when he really needs to make a second Inception. Damn cliff hangers!

Sorry, off topic. Back to Shredder. Now if he is going to be the villain, then how do you tackle him? Now he could be the same badass that he is in the comics and the recent revamp of the TV show in the early 2000’s OR! they could do this. Pull a Ben 10—Forever Knights type story.

Yeah, I may be turning 20, but I still watch Ben 10: Ultimate Alien and I will probably watch Ben 10: Omniverse. But the original story of the Forever Knights, for those of you that don’t know, they were a radical group of Knights that went out of their way to hunt down alien tech and aliens and keep them off our planet and occasionally experiment on them. So I’m thinking with Shredder they should pull a story line where Shredder was once an ordinary man who got a loved one, probably a wife, murdered by an alien and since then he has dedicated his life to hunting down aliens on Earth. Which if there are other aliens on Earth then it’s going to have an M.I.B. twist too. Now when the turtles show up, for whatever reason, they will be good—also for whatever reason, BUT Shredder is so blinded with rage that he goes out of his way to eradicate all aliens, good or bad causing conflict with the turtles as they try to do good.

Now these are just ideas I had running through my head, and Bay, as a fellow writer, has to have something cooking up there! Like I said, one question got my mind turning and I thought of this from a writer’s standpoint. As it is, one of the co-creators of TMNT, Peter Laird, told fans to “swallow the ‘chill pill’ Mr. Bay recently suggested they take, and wait and see what might come out of this seemingly ill-conceived plan” ( I don’t know, everyone seems all upset and quick to jump, but it’s a good thing Bay at least said something now instead of six months before the movie comes out. That would have been really bad. This at least gives people the time to chill before they just decide all together they don’t want to see it. But as for me I’m waiting for the trailer but until then, just ask yourselves, what would shredder think? Comment below what you have in mind. And here’s the link to the article with the question I’ve mentioned ( Anything else you want to know about TMNT, just type those exact letters into’s search engine. Until then, According to Michael III, we should all stop and ask: WWST?

Michael III

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