Thursday, April 19, 2012

Brony's and talk about "Bully" "A Guy, A Girl, and A Podcast" Episode 13 and 14 review (SPOILER ALERT!)

Okay, so first thing is first. I’m sorry Brandon, but you’re a Brony. Anyway, for those of you who have now listened to last weeks and this week’s episode of “A Guy, A Girl, and A Podcast” you know the current theme topic they talked about was Bully thanks to the new movie Bully and the Frienemies app on Facebook.

Not much has changed for these two crazy lovers and their wonderful producer Anthony…except Anthony was missing this week and there was a lot of giggling and getting off topic which happens when GGP is on, but like I said in the recap where I was interviewed they cut out a lot, but I don’t think they did this week. Without Anthony we get to hear everything that these two do and that’s okay because it’s awesome and it shows that they’re just like us. We all make mistakes and we’re not perfect and sometimes when people are out there in the lime light they try to act like they are but it’s cool that these two don’t care what people think unless they’re the type of people who believe the Frienemies app is a good idea.

So apparently with this app on Facebook it’s supposed to somehow stop cyber bulling because of instead of going and making fun of the person on the internet, you’re doing it in this app where you can all vent about the different things that have happened. It’s basically a venting room is what I got, to keep people from antagonizing the person. Problem is, whether the person sees it or not, it’s still bullying them. “Damn Cheese! I hate you!” Great, you just hurt Cheeses’ feelings.

But this and the movie Bully which got an ‘R’ rating at first but was dropped to a ‘PG-13” once they pulled three of the F-bombs was the highlight of the two podcast…and The Hunger Games once again, but it’s awesome, so who cares. In my opinion though, Bully was trying to show how terrible bullying is and dropping F-bombs when kids do say that kind of crap is totally pointless. Brandon and Cristina talked about the MPAA’s rating system and how they and other people have talked about the fact the MPAA should reevaluate. Like this movie; a documentary that’s supposed to get a powerful message across should be shown for what it is, not be punished because of the fact there is cussing. The sooner we stop acting like kids are so innocent, the sooner kids will stop acting out just to prove they’re not innocent, am I right? I want to see Bully and I get paid this Friday so I may pull some money off to the side to go see it.

Other topics have been Brandon and Cristina’s brother watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, which is surprisingly created by the wife of Craig Mckracken—Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends AND (since I don’t think Brandon knew this because he didn’t mention it) The Powerpuff Girls and worked on Dexter’s Laboratory as a director—and she actually worked on Foster’s herself and that was just a fantastic show all around and needs to be put on Netflix because I know I missed some episodes. Brandon likes the show…and I think I’m dying with Anthony, the only way I’ll watch the show is when my little girl is born, but until then I think I’ll stick to watching shows that are for guys. There’s nothing wrong with watching younger kids shows, I watch Go Diego Go, from time to time…but that’s still a guy show and that’s all I have to say about that.

Hopefully Cristina will have finished all The Hunger Games by next week same with Brandon so they can talk about what they expect to happen next. And you can do it you two, trust me, I read the whole series in one week. Seven days, three books, you do the math. But that’s it, sorry it couldn’t be two separate articles but I’ve been running around lately so I haven’t had time to listen…and that’s because they need to raise the volume.

You see, because I do run around a lot I put the podcast on my phone and try to listen to them in the car, but the sound quality, and I’m sorry to say this guys, is bad. Raise the volume so when I’m driving 70 down the freeway or 35 on the surface streets I can hear you speak and not only your laughing because you’re laughing is loud I can hear that clearly, but either talk louder or have Anthony raise the volume. I like listening to you guys, but I want to hear you on the road too, not just at home. And even at home the quality is still soft, so pick it up, because I know you guys can. You’re fantastic.

But other than that, this is me signing off and until next time, According to Michael III, Brandon is a Brony. OH! And the new acronym (GGP) comes from Brandon himself and I thank him for that because it’s so much easier to type than AGAGAAP…yep so much easier. Anyway, later and subscribe to them for free on iTunes and get new episodes when they come out. Or download the free Stitcher app and enjoy them there. Also follow them on Twitter @guygirlpodcast or on Facebook at “A Guy, A Girl, and A Podcast.”

Michael III

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