Sunday, April 8, 2012

Solar Flare: I SAY LEGIT!

So for those of you that listen to this weeks "A Guy, A Girl, and A Podcast" you know I was interviewed slightly. We were running out of time so it didn't get to go as long as all three of us would have liked, but you can read about that later tomorrow when I recap the episode. But if you already listened to the episode you know we got to talking about possibly the best but worst April's Fool’s Joke ever! Stephenie Meyer and Suzanne Collins getting together to write a script that would make a movie that would combine The Twilight Saga and The Hunger Games. According to, "The premise? Why what could be more simple than The Cullen clan discovering that they've been sent to the dystopian future pictured in the Hunger Games world of Panem. The culprits? The Volturi of course. As obvious outsiders, the Cullens (including Bella) are seen as revolutionaries and are forced immediately to compete in the titular Hunger Games. Katniss Everdeen, the ever-compassionate character she is, once again volunteers to compete in the games to help out these strangers knowing that they'll need more than their vampiric abilities to survive!" Sounds legit right? I mean think about it, the Cullens are immortal making it completely possible they survived whatever tragedy that caused Panem to be created. And who else would love to see humans slaughter themselves or be in the right state of mind, because they're unaffected by whatever tragedy happened, to take power and rebuild society back up in their own twisted image? The Volturi. And think about the fact that Ceasar Flickerman never ages, or that President Snow doesn't really either...maybe instead of incredible plastic surgery, they're actually Vampires? And the idea that Katniss would need to help them because the hunger games are too tough for the power of the humane vampires is genius!

I'll tell you what, at first I was believing it until this: "Starring Robert Pattinson, Jennifer Lawrence, Whoopi Goldberg, Kristen Stewart and Josh Hutcherson" (
...anyone else see Whoopi's name in there? I was all like whaaaaaaaat? But I kept going and this was where I realized it was an April Fool’s joke: "The crux of the matter? Goldberg is reportedly playing Edward and Bella's all-grown-up daughter Renesmee, making a huge change from the previous actress, Mackenzie Foy. After writers Collins and Meyer took to their websites to say that the casting of Goldberg has been a mutual decision—a total sister act and not a coercion by the studio—the fans seemed to calm down somewhat and agreed to give the 56 year-old actress a chance at playing Bella's reportedly teenage daughter" ( Yeah, NOOOOOT! But they were going to call the movie Solar Flare. That's a great title in my opinion and Moviepilot does too; "It's the perfect mix of Meyer's lunar leanings and Collins's flaming prose. It gives us a hint at the story, too. Could the Volturi be motivated by an upcoming Solar Flare?" Who knows? I was all excited, I am a Twilight Fan and a Hunger Games fan, but Collins is far the better writer.

But I also saw this as a bad idea too. Because like I just said, Collins is a better writer. Meyer goes into too many details to describe that the sky is blue by over using adjectives. When New Moon came out I tried reading the first two books again and couldn't, I honestly don't know how I read them all the first time and I don't believe she's a great writer. She has good ideas, but she doesn't have the creativity to write the actual book herself. So I was thinking why would Collins saddle herself with Meyer? It would totally ruin her story telling, unless Meyer came up with the ideas and left the story telling to Collins.

Honestly I would like to actually see this, even if it doesn't make it to the big screen and they just do a simple animated comic movie or something. But they did get me to believe this was all real until Whoopi came into the picture. But it was a good joke but those of you that are fans of both series or are writers with open minds; can you tell me if you think it's legit as well? Here's the extremely long article link if you want to read it all yourself:

Anyway, until the next article, According to Michael III, if it was real, I'd give "Solar Flare" a chance.

Michael III

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