Monday, April 30, 2012

"Fringe" get's saved by Syndication...and the GREAT and LOYAL fans who have been there since the BEGINNING!

So I found out on Thursday when the news was announced but I've been busy so it's keeping me from being on top of this but if anything I did say in my first introduction I want to at least post once a week...but it's been more than that but the expectation is once a week. But by the title you can tell the Fringe has finally been saved and will be back for single and final and better than ever season!

Now there are two different opinions to as of why Fringe has gone through being the number one drama to having little fans that are very supportive, and because of that support Fringe is getting a final season with 13 more episodes. I'd like to think even my posts have gotten Fringe the chance to stay alive. Now I can go into the details as to why this show is fantastic but I'll only hint at them: The great acting—they all, but Peter, play two different characters that are still the same. The great story telling—while it did piss me off with taking Peter out right as he and Olivia got together after being separated after he slept with Alt-Olivia and she walked away from that, but they have finally fixed it, it has been a story worth following and Fringe is the sci-fi show that set the bar for the next generation. When I'm in my dad's age, Fringe will be my kids Star Trek—not counting the fact they've rebooted the movies (ooooh, a Fringe movie would be nice...HINT HINT J.J!). The fact is this shows is just simply fantastic and from the moment when they liberated Walter from the asylum it has been growing and growing. I don't really want to go into it in full detail mostly because of the fact that I read the article by Jesse Carp on and he...or she (damn dual-gender names!) did a fantastic job of explaining why it was a good thing Fox saved Fringe (

BUT what also needs to be considered is the fact with another 13 episodes they will reach episode 100 allowing Fringe to go into syndication and allowing Fox to make more money (

So the argument is were they saved only for more money or because of the fans…BOTH! As Fox president Kevin Reilly says, "Fringe is a remarkably creative series that has set the bar as one of television’s most imaginative dramas. Bringing it back for a final 13 allows us to provide the climactic conclusion that its passionate and loyal fans deserve. The amazing work the producers, writers and the incredibly talented cast and crew have delivered the last four seasons has literally been out of this world. Although the end is bittersweet, it’s going to be a very exciting final chapter" ( Which is true! The cast and writers are great and the fans, while although smaller than when the show first started, are loyal and we've followed Fringe down to its Friday night change and beyond! So we do deserve to see it get completed. But like continues to say, "Not mentioned in that statement is the fact that 13 more episodes will put Fringe at the 100 episode mark, meaning it can go into syndication, a lucrative and ideal situation for any network." So they'll make more money which is nice! Plus that's not including an all five season box set they can do, or season five alone, and the money they'll make out of other stuff such as shirts and what not, speaking of which I will be getting a shirt if I can find one.

I'm just really excited that this show got picked up and I hope you are too! It may be a final season, but like I already said I love shows that get to answer all my questions, not leave me hanging for the rest of my days. Actually, in retrospect, if I was the creator of the show I would at least post how I would have liked to see the show end so the fans never get discouraged, but that's me. Shoot, maybe seeing what the writer wanted to do would rally everyone and have the show get renewed, or it may make them shut up about it going off. So, that’s a hint for someone who creates a show one day that gets cancelled before it can get to where you want it to go! Anyway, until the next exciting post, According to Michael III, LET THE FINAL FRINGE SEASON...BEGIN!

And here's the link to the trailer for season 5!

Michael III

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