Saturday, April 14, 2012

Let the Force be UNLEASHED!

Do you have a favorite video game? Oh please, that's a dumb question, most people do, duh! But I guess the question would be who is your favorite video game character that you would love to see be on the big screen!? Yeah that's a good question all right (and a bit of a mouth full).

So here’s the deal, according to, "These days we’re left with Res­i­dent Evil movies that are tan­gen­tial­ly relat­ed to the games at best. What’s a fan to do if they want to see their favorite video game char­ac­ter out­side of their Xbox? The answer is YouTube and the world of fan films. We’ve already seen a Por­tal fan film explode across the Inter­net, a solid series of Mor­tal Kom­bat films and now anoth­er pop­u­lar char­ac­ter has got his due. Olan Rogers has made a $700 fan film called Mega Man X that push­es its mea­ger bud­get to its lim­its with a fun recre­ation of a game series many of us grew up with and loved."

Now for me, I haven't check out Mega Man X yet, but I was a fan of the games they have brought out in my generation from Gameboy Color and up. So this article got me thinking, if you had the $700.00 to make a film, and all the other equipment Rogers did ("two green sheets, an amaz­ing prop maker, two actors who worked for free because I didn’t have enough money to pay them, they still gave 110% and one awe­some friend who bust­ed his butt on the ani­ma­tion side..."[Mega Man X's YouTube page]) what video game character would you be bringing to life? My answer would be Star Killer from The Force Unleashed games; one and two. The reason why would be because my parents never allowed me to play a game where you're an evil character, but I was a major Star Wars fan and still am, so when someone told me Starkiller becomes good in the ending (IF you choose that path) that was how I was able to convince my parents to let me play...well my mom anyway, my dad was saying yes because of the fact it was a Star Wars game and he’s the one that got me into the series in the first place.

But Star Killer was a great character and if you have no idea what I'm talking about you suck for not playing the highest grossing Star Wars games ever, unless you're just not a fan of Star Wars which I can understand. It's over played nowadays, even fans know that. But he had a great story line from the fact he was the son of a Jedi that had gotten away from Order 66, which let us know that not all the Jedi in the Universe except Obi-Wan and Yoda were weak so that was a good start, and that Darth Vader finds him to make him as his apprentice to one day overthrow the Emperor, which of course we know doesn't happen but it's interesting to see that they say Star Killer is the one that creates the Rebels since they end up using his family crest to rally behind. “A Symbol of hope,” Princess Leia Organa says in the ending cinematic if you chose the Light Side of the Force. Then the second game got all complicated and sets it for a third game I'm told, I wouldn't know. I got into WOW (World of Warcraft, for you non savvy online gaming people) around the time the second came out and haven't finished it yet, but I will if there is a third one on the way. But a movie, even a crappy CGI one like Star Wars: The Clone Wars, (which I'm getting back into) would be sweet!

I'm telling you what though; I'm going to watch this Mega Man X to see if it can pull through as a movie to someone who doesn't know the games so well. But honestly, we all want to see our favorite characters on the big screen and not too many make it and those that do suck; i.e. 20th Century Fox's 2009 Dragonball: Evolution, which I haven't seen also but critics hated it; haven't asked any fans though. I'll have to watch it myself; generally the "crappy" movies end up on Netflix faster. But here's the link if you want to check out the Mega Man movie for yourself also and you can let me know what you think in the comments below. But until I talk about the movie later, According To Michael III, some fans may be a little frantic, but fans know best.

Michael III

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