Sunday, April 22, 2012

JB and One Direction: Millions of little girls are drooling

“Can the Internet handle the collision of the UK boy band’s fans with Beliebers” (

Sssssh! Listen! Can you hear it? What? You can’t hear that? Are you kidding me? Wow, I can’t believe you can’t hear it! What is it that I’m hearing that you ask? Well it’s the sound of a billion shrieking girls as they all jump up and down nearly knocking the world out of orbit as they all become excited for the impossible! One Direction and Justin Bieber have teamed up to do a song for JB’s new album Believe. That’s right, as of last week, both JB and members of 1D have tweeted about the hook up of a life time. Something that would have been highly anticipated like Prince and Michael Jackson, but unlike that suggestion, this one is actually happening.

“In the studio with our boy @justinbieber last night, it’s gona sound great,” 1D member Niall Horan tweeted last week and, “Got a first listen to Justin Bieber’s new album yesterday wow big songs!!! It’s funna be a smash … Expect the unexpected,” One Direction member Liam Payne also wrote on Twitter” according to The tweets were left and right as they continually promoted and talked about the song they all got together to do. And if any of the girls who are in love with the Canadian born kid missed what was happening, they didn’t when Bieber responded to Liam’s post with a “Thanks buddy. Good chillin with u guys” (

For those of you that don’t know who One Direction is, they are the new boy band coming out of the UK with their debut album Up All Night. They are the first non-American band to have their first album hit #1 hit on the top 200 Billboard ( and KCA’s) and as usual girls are suckers for cute faces and wonderfully written songs. But I’m a fan of 1D myself. The boys can sing, and I know that for a fact because I first heard them when they sang live on the KCA’s and I like their lyrics. But for those of you that think I’m a whack job, 1D was brought together at the auditions for the UK version of The X Factor. They were auditioning as solos but they all failed to get into the competition in the “Boys” category. It was guest judge Nicole Scherzinger who decided they form a group and they ended up qualifying for the “Group” category and on Simon Cowell’s team. They were his last act and the boys ended up qualifying for third place ( From there they reached success in the UK as they toured with other participants of The X Factor after being singed to Syco Records. It wasn’t until they were announced to be touring with Big Time Rush for a February through March tour that they reached international success. They were signed to Columbia Records here in America and their first single “What Makes you Beautiful” was released, and from that point on there was only one direction to go, UP!

For those of you that can appreciate all kinds of music like I can I encourage you to listen to this album because it is phenomenal. From what it seems like for most people they’ve only heard “What Makes You Beautiful” when the other songs on the albums are just as good or even better. Songs like “Gotta Be You” is a very powerful ballad that allows the guys to just use their voices to let that girl know there is nobody else. Their other single “One Thing” is also another fantastic hit that says there is just something you got. Other songs hit the spot with “I Wish” and the Kelly Clarkson written “Tell Me a Lie” which, if you know Clarkson’s music, it definitely sounds like something she would sing only with guy voices. For me I was raised in a boy band house with my mom and sister and to me good boy bands can reach both sexes. The songs they sing for the girls have the effect of “I wish a guy would sing this to me;” much like every girl said when Bruno Mars brought out “Just The Way You Are” (trust me, before I heard that song, and liked it, all the girls on my Facebook posted that like every day; it got annoying.) But for the boys they have the message, “I wish I could sing this to a girl.” At least that’s how it was in my generation, now boys are saying what the girls use to say and girls are saying what the guys use to say. So you can never tell. But for me, songs like these are the kind of cheesy songs I like to sing to my wife in my rotation with old N Sync, 98 Degrees, and Backstreet Boys songs. They were the songs I would sing to her when we were dating like N Sync’s “That’s When I’ll Stop Loving You,” Backstreet Boys “Incomplete,” and 98 Degrees “My Everything.” In fact, I told my wife, 1D reminds me of the Backstreet Boys from back in the day and TBB was actually my favorite out of the Boy bands from the 90’s and early 2000’s.

But JB’s “Boyfriend” (which if you say that without the quotations will make you laugh) continually blazes the charts and I can’t turn on the radio without at least hearing 1D’s “What Makes You Beautiful” being on at least three times a day. What is it with American girls and songs that talk about being beautiful; do they really have that low of self-esteem? Eh, that’s not entertainment so who cares!? I’m looking forward to JB’s new album and the song he did with 1D. I was telling one of my sisters-in-law yesterday that if they ever went on tour together that they would have to build larger concert halls in major cities. Or at least stay in that city long enough for all the fans to go see them because if there is one thing this world loves, it’s pretty boys who sing and dance and about love just as much as we love women who know how to sing and shake their hips as they talk about us being the one they want to give their innocence too. That’s right America; we’re that F-ed up! It going to be interesting to see what the Simon Cowell and Usher mentored boys come up with. But until we can hear ourselves think over the shrill of the girls, According to Michael III, Up All Night is just the beginning of a good direction for the music biz. Check out some back in the days songs from the boy bands I listed.

Michael III

“My Everything” 98 Degrees—wonderful song, it’s my favorite from them and the song I sang to my wife the most when we were dating besides probably “That’s When I’ll Loving You”.

“That’s When I’ll Loving You” N Sync—sounds like a terrible title until you actually listen to the song and it makes sense because we all know that it is impossible for all of that stuff to happen so it’s basically saying “I’m loving you forever” and in a world where we have so much heartbreak, failed relationships and divorce, we need a little more songs like this. Sorry, but no video for this, only singles get videos and this is a song you only heard if you were a fan, not a “Single” (Someone who only listens to the singles of bands or singers.)

“Incomeplete” Backstreet Boys—Ex-member Kevin Richardson's wrote it after losing his father but it still has the same message of what a guy feels when they lose that special girl, so it works for any kind of loss. The critics may have hated it, but fans will tell you it’s one of their best songs. It’s probably the first song people think of when they hear Backstreet Boys, then after that it’s “I Want it That Way.”


Michael III

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