Monday, April 2, 2012

To Love a Stable Boy--Where Queen/Mayor Regina comes from: TV Recap on last night's "Once Upon A Time" (SPOILER ALERT)

So after finally getting caught up on OUAT all I can say is wow. I'm just amazed at how this show continually keeps getting better and better each and every single week and it just amazes me how well the writers of this show tell their story. Not to mention the actors. They are just flawless in my opinion because if it wasn’t for them the story wouldn’t have the dramatic effect they have. Each week my heart aches more and more for the characters that can’t be with their lovers and my soul bridles with rage as the Queen continually makes everyone’s lives as miserable as hers was. Last weeks “Hat Trick” really dove more into what the curse can do and brought up the question of whether or not the curse affected all the worlds that are fairytales to us or if it affected the characters that Regina knew at the time of the curse. I guess that will be answered eventually, but the emotion Sebastian Stan (Bucky-James Barnes-from Captain America: The first Avenger) displays as a desperate and totally certifiable Mad Hatter chocked me up a little and without him, Emma would have never possibly started to believe in the curse.

OUAT is a show that is loosely based off of the story of Snow White. If you don't know about this show then you need to go subscribe to Hulu+ right now. But OUAT is about the evil Queen, Regina, who is hell bent on destroying everyone's lives...yeah what evil queen isn't? But as you dive deeper into the show you find out that her hatred extends from Snow White who somehow ruined her happiness long ago and in the wake of trying to destroy the lives of Snow White and James (Prince Charming) she obtains a curse that is supposed to take all of the fairy tale world and place it in a world where there are no happy endings, apparently our world, which I don’t get and you’ll see why in a bit or you already see if you watch the show. But before the curse can take place Snow White and Prince Charming have a baby that is supposed to be the savior of them all. So having Geppetto build a magical box they transport the baby Emma out of their world right as the curse takes place.

Years later a little boy named Henry shows up at the door of a woman named Emma Swan and tells her he's the little boy that she gave away. Taking him back to the town of Storybrook, Maine Henry shows her a book that has a collection of a bunch of fairy tale stories and tells her that they aren't just stories they’re real. Henry continues to tell his biological mother that she is the baby Snow White and Prince Charming had and that she's there to break the curse. "Nobody leaves Storybrook," he tells her and the reason why is because the curse took all the fairy tale creatures and placed them in this one town wiping their memories and keeping them trapped there and at first only one of them knows the truth of their other lives: The Evil Queen who is now mayor of the "prison." But you come to find that Rumplestiltskin also knows the truth, and you find that out in a special episode about him.

The only problem I have with the show is the fact the Queen was so blinded by rage and pain that she doesn't realize her curse didn't do much. The whole point of the curse was to trap them all in a world where there are no happy endings, but the problem is the show goes back and forth each episode to show what's going on in our world now and what happens to the characters in their world when they faced similar situations. It helps build the two different stories to see how where they came from and who they were is manifested in our world. But as you see their original stories come alive you realize the fairy tale world didn't have very happy endings either. If you're up to date on the show you know that Rumplestiltskin has lost his son and got his heart broken, Grumpy was once named Dreamy but heart break changed his name, Snow White and Prince Charming had a lot of problems and the show is still going through them, Red Riding Hood and Granny got an upgrade, and by upgrade I’m talking about a Taylor Lautner upgrade if you know what I mean, The Huntsman...well that episode was just jacked up and poor Emma she finally opens up and the dude dies as he kisses her; but you get the point. The curse really didn't change much except keep the lovers that were together apart and that's Snow White and Charming, other than that no one else is dealing with anything. Well Rumple's girl is in an insane asylum in the real world and he still loves her so there is that. I don't know, I love this show but the curse really didn't do much so if you watch it or are going to you'll see what I mean.

But last night’s Episode, "Stable Boy" was full of surprises. It begins showing a softer and younger side of the Queen Regina who is in love with her stable boy…but her mother is just as bad or an even worse evil witch like her daughter will eventually become and only wants her daughter to marry up in society. At least we get to see where Regina gets it from. One day in a secret meeting with her lover a young girl stuck on a rampaging horse screams for help. Regina rides to help her and we find out it’s Snow White, played by the adorable and becoming widely popular Bailee Madison (Bridge to Terabithia, Don’t be Afraid of the Dark, and Just Go with It with Adam Sandler. She was also the “girl” version of Max in Wizards of Waverlyplace). Grateful for saving his daughters life, Snow White’s father, the King, asks Regina to marry her, and wanting her daughter to succeed and not knowing she’s fraternizing with the stable boy, her mother accepts for her, which in retrospect shouldn’t even count.

Accidently Snow figures out about her and Daniel, the Stable Boy’s, plan of escape to get married; running away from it all. Chasing Snow down Regina gets Snow to understand about true love and gets her to promise she won’t tell especially not her mother…but, we see where Regina gets her manipulation as her mother tricks Snow into telling her the plan which leads to disaster when Regina’s mother catches them right as they’re getting ready to run and kills Daniel by ripping out his heart and crushing it. She convinces Regina to marry the King and with that the first step is taken. Snow, the little naive child that she is, believes the next day that Regina is preparing for her wedding with Daniel and tells Regina that she was the one that let her mom know. You can see on the screen something just snaps in Regina and her mother sees the whole scene as she tells Snow that she’s not marrying Daniel because what they had wasn’t real and that it’s about becoming a family with the King and Snow. Snow leaves excited for her new step-mother and Regina confronts her mother about setting the whole situation up all the way to Snow on the horse. As she storms off she says, “I should have let her die on that horse.”

Back in our world Regina has methodically set Mary Margaret, who is Snow White, up for the murder of the wife of David Nolan, who is Prince Charming. The trial is about to begin and Emma struggles to find way to prove that she is innocent. That’s when she goes back to the scene of the crime to find a piece of a shovel that broke off when someone was burying the heart of David’s wife, Katherine. Already on Regina’s tail, she sneaks into the Mayor’s house with the help of her biological son but Regina’s adopted son, Henry, and finds the shovel that matches. But the next day when she has a warrant there is a brand new shovel in the garage. As they take Mary Margret off in chains to her trial she confronts Mr. Gold, who is Rumplestiltskin, about not really helping Mary Margret—which if you watch the episode before you know that he made a deal with Regina to get some battery charges against him dropped. But he tells her it’s not over and walks out. Frustrated Emma throws a vase of flowers the news reporter Sidney, Genie/The mirror, gave her. When the vase smashes she finds a bug and finally realizes Sidney hasn’t been on her side at all. As she goes to apologize to “The Stranger,” the first outsider to enter town besides Emma, they hear Ruby, Red Riding Hood, scream and they run to find her pointing and rambling about the alley behind her Granny’s dinner and that’s where they find Katherine…


So now the question becomes how is Katherine alive when the heart that was found was tested for DNA and matched Katherine’s…is it possible that Regina once again did the whole “pull out your heart and you’re still alive unless I crush it” move? Or does Regina have other resources that can help her fake a DNA test. But it’s ridiculous when you realize that all this drama was because Snow White was just a little girl trying to help. Regina even goes as far as to see her in jail to tell her she knows she didn’t kill Katherine but she does deserve what’s happening to her. Talk about F-ed up!

It honestly frustrates me now that I know why the Queen is so hell bent on destroying her life I find it very trivial. Honestly, she shouldn’t be blaming Snow when it’s all her mother’s fault in the first place. Well, I guess you’re parents are your parents no matter what they do. But I have a feeling the story between Regina and her mother isn’t over. I mean we’ve already seen her kill her father to help the curse get put into action, and she loved her dad. So what makes up believe that out of everything Mommy dearest doesn’t get a little payback either?

Either way, I can’t wait for next week since they showed “The Stranger,” August Booth, holding the dagger of “The Dark One” or otherwise known now as Rumplestiltskin. The dagger, if driven through the heart of the current Dark One will make you the new Dark One; but how does August know about the dagger when even Henry, with his book, doesn’t know who Mr. Gold really is? Oh well, I guess we’ll find out on Sunday, and look for my recap on that next Monday! Until my recap of tonight’s delicious Smash tomorrow, According to Michael III, OUAT needs to be picked up for another season already!

—Michael III

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