Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rumors, Rumors, Rumors!

Talk is suddenly high as everyone is wondering one simple question that they have been wondering since 2009: Will Disney make an animated Marvel movie? is reported saying, "When the deal was announced, CEO Bob Iger mentioned that they 'talked about this internally' and that Pixar head John Lasseter had already 'talked to the Marvel guys' about possibilities 'and they all got excited about it.' Nothing was announced, but Iger concluded saying 'We think there’s ultimately some exciting product that come of that. Sparks will fly!'" Sounds pretty cool right? Think about it. Marvel is the leading in superheroes right now with The Avengers coming out this May and plans to do two more along with an Iron Man 3, Thor 2, and Captain America 2 to help those movies along, AND non-Avengers related, an X-Men: First Class 2 they are raking in the dough and I'm pretty sure we can see that having Disney own them has helped them get the money to make those high grossing movies. Even Geektyrant agrees, "When Disney bought Marvel we all saw what the possibilities would be, both the negative and the positive. Since Marvel was acquired we've heard a lot of rumors, but we're seeing some great things coming from it both with movies and TV." The TV side of that being shows like The Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes and Ultimate Spider-Man. But although the rumors have been circulating they have never been higher as of now.

In July Blue Sky Disney posted on their blog something that stirred a few geeky souls, "That project, once announced will generate a lot of buzz in certain geek communities, as it’s going to surprise a lot of people for what it is and what it’s not. But it’s in the very early embryonic stage and it depends on how well the project is received upon the presentation that is being prepared for John [Lasster] and Ed [Catmull]" ( And there they were again, the same two big names from Disney! But then last week they posted something else, "The projects competing for 2014/2015 are the uber-secret film from Don Hall, which will be a marvelously unexpected project if it ever gets the green light, and Nathan Greno and Byron Howard’s films which are deep in development" ( And like Geektyrant goes on to say, "'Marvelously unexpected' huh? I don't think that was an accident. I think it is just giving us a big wink that this movie, which is 'going to surprise a lot of people', is going to be some kind of Marvel animated feature film, we just don't know what it will include." Which is completely true, Disney has been at the forefront of surprising the families of the world for generations, and they took that a step further with buying Marvel in the first place. But here's the thing, I don't think Stan Lee is going to allow any of his heroes to become animated unless its only for a TV show, so I don't think they'll be picking out of the gene pool Marvel already has for an animated movie. I already said Disney has to do something new since they basically covered all the princess and prince movies they could with "Tangled"……but then they created "Brave" so I guess I was wrong. This is what seems to be going down according to Geektyrant, "Hall is working on some kind of crossover with Marvel, but it’s not an adaptation of an actual comic book or character that already exists. The comment makes sense if it’s an all-new Marvel movie, created in collaboration with Disney. That would surprise for what it is – a Disney-Marvel superhero film – and also for what it’s not – a known Marvel property."

I really don't know where they're going to go with all of this and since it's supposed to either come out in 2014/2015 we're looking at possibly seeing a teaser mid or late next year about it. But it's going to be completely hand drawn as of right now because Pixar doesn't seem to want to be in it. "We thought at one point Pixar might team up with them, but the studio shot that rumor down" ( John Lasster said, "No, Pixar, we are -- Disney has been great. Bob Iger is phenomenal. I'm Chief Creative Officer of Disney Animation as well, and with Pixar it's like, 'Keep doing what you're doing, guys.' It's a filmmaker-driven studio. All of the ideas come from the filmmakers themselves. Working with the filmmakers on ideas. He was then asked, 'So there probably wouldn't be any kind of chance of seeing that kind of team-up Then?' 'No, not at Pixar. We have The Incredibles, so we've done superheroes here ourselves and so we have that kind of history with Brad Bird doing The Incredibles.'. And The Incredibles was great and it sickens me Cars got a sequel but not The Incredibles and now they're making a Monster's Inc. prequel when I would really like to see what happens to Boo!

(Sigh), well I'm excited and I can't wait to see what's coming from the minds of two great power houses in entertainment! But until more is leaked, According to Michael III, this movie is going to be one major bad a**!

Michael III

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