Sunday, April 8, 2012

Titanic 3D: What's the point?

Okay, so let me start this out like this, this post is coming from me, Michael III, who until last night had never seen Titanic. Really over protective parents so the nudity was a block to me, but after seeing it, the nudity wasn't that big of a deal so I'm kind of mad that they made me wait until I was older. And although I turn 20 this year, I just never felt the need to watch it but I thought it would be nice to see with my wife...who also has never seen it, which I found out after the movie, and neither one of us liked it.

Besides what I think about the story line, let me start my critical analysis with the hype about it coming back out in 3D. There shouldn't have been anything about the 3D because all there was of the 3D was the fact it looked beautiful. The movie should have focused more on being digitally Re-mastered because it was picture perfect from what I could see. But for 3D, out of the two movies I have seen in 3D, Dark of the Moon and Green Lantern, I was sorely disappointed. But here's why. I know the two movies I just listed, one of them being the biggest blockbuster of last summer, were action movies, but even though there wasn't the action—action movies have, there was still enough to make this movie POP! If they had done it right.

You see I was expecting my first experience with Titanic to be an enjoyable memorable 3D moment with my wife. I was expecting the ship to jump out at me when it sank when the camera was at certain angles, I was expecting to almost have water splash in my face, maybe see some birds or dolphins jump out at me...but the only 3D I got was the little infomercial about the movie being in Real-D 3D. After that the only "3D" I got was the clarity that comes with 3D and maybe when they had close ups on the people that were talking and the other person was out of focus; the out of focused person would sort of pop out. But that's it. Not even "The Heart of the Sea" popped out when old Rose dropped into the ocean at the ending and the camera was right under it for Christ sake! Fail! It looked gorgeous, and they should have focused on saying it was "Re-mastered" not it was 3D.

Now onto the story, it was extremely tacky. Honestly there are better love stories written out there and I also just don't like love stories that end sadly. But Cameron has really cheesy dialogue throughout that movie and to me, Kate Winslet's acting…eh, I wasn't feeling it. I mean I get what Cameron was trying to direct her to do: show a woman who was still a child inside because of all the restraints she has had on her life and then exposing it as she breaks out of her shell to find out who she is. But to me, Winslet just acted like a spoiled little child the whole time. Leonardo acted his butt off but she was too much a child in my opinion. The dialogue was cheesy too. The lines were way too specific and childish at most times. But I got what Cameron was trying to say.

Cameron was trying to depict what really happen on Titanic that fateful night. Much like when they make movies about segregation that really show to you the brutality that was back in that day. Like the guy who ran the exploration of Titanic said, "Three years, I’ve thought of nothing but Titanic; but I never got it…I never let it in." That was perfect for me! Cameron was explaining that each and every person on that ship had a story and he did it by showing a cheesy love story but that message really shined when the ship was sinking and there was the old people in the bed, the mother singing to her kids, the father holding his baby when the one boat comes back to see if there are any survivors. That was perfect because the greatest thing on this earth is love and that night when the ship went down it not only tore the world up but it tore up a lot of hearts. Cameron was making sure we realized just how tragic that night was; we needed to get it because until then all we did was treasure hunt the ship basically. Or we talk about “how cool” it is while we watch a simulation of that night. But like Old Rose said, “Thank you for that fine forensic analysis, Mr. Bondie. Of course, the experience of it was somewhat different.”

How I felt about it was how I felt about The Twilight Saga and The Last Airbender. It was a good idea but would have been better in someone else's hands.
I know people are going to hate me for this, but this is According to Michael III, so I don't know why you think this is According to Everyone Else. sorry. But until the next time, According to Michael III, what was the point of bringing it back out?

Michael III

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