Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"Hancock" The Ups and the Downs. So where does that leave the sequel?

So I was already thinking about adding it to the list but I didn’t need to because of the fact when I walked into the house on Sunday my mom and my sister were already watching it. Hancock, that’s right, the superhero movie that actually put Will Smith in the seat of a superhero but this time gave him actual powers. Hancock got it’s notoriety from being the different kind of superhero. He was a drunk who cussed a lot and caused a lot of damage when he saved people. Even at one point he apparently saved the day completely naked:

“I will fight crime butt-ass naked before I fight it in that, Ray.
You know, you have fought naked. We got that. That's on Youtube.”

Yeah, I may love Will Smith because he’s a phenomenal actor and still, no matter what anyone says, the greatest rapper ever, but I don’t ever want to see the man naked. No thanks. But I was watching the movie and I realized why there have been mixed reviews about it, it did great in theaters but people have different opinions on it. Some people thought it was a great movie and some thought it was a terrible movie and I can see both sides of the argument. For me, personally, I still thought it was a great movie, even after rewatching it with an analytical mind. It was different, well written, it was something no one had ever tried before and it pushed a lot of barriers and showed the reality of life.

The storyline, once Mary comes into the story, says Hancok was created by something or someone along with a lot of others to be the saviors of the world. Out of them all Hancock was really the one in charge of keeping the world safe and so after a while, probably tired of their immortality, the rest paired up with their significant others and died off with the chances of having a normal life. From what Mary hints at, Hancock and she continued to stay together every once in a while, but the minuet they wanted Hancock out of the way they came for her and he would get hurt in the process trying to protect her. Basically a case of race seeing as since the beginning of time Africans or people of color were always looked down upon and seen as lesser beings and the last time Hancock was hurt for Mary was eight years ago from 2008 when the movie was released. That would have been during segregation times and they were in the south holding hands. See, showing the reality of the world. One of the reasons why I liked the movie.

The fact that Hancock was also not only a drunk hero but he was a hero no one liked was something different. Most of the time, heroes are hated by some of the people in Batman and AMS case, the authorities, but in the case of Hancock everyone didn’t like how he saved the day. An example was him throwing the whale back into the ocean. So it was for once a hero trying to redeem themselves for the people not because of some sort of tragedy in their lives or forgetting to realize flashing money wasn’t the way to live. Plus, adding to the different, while most heroes are lovers this was the first time that I know of where the hero’s “kryptonite” is his lover. It was an all-around witty and smart movie and I’ve been waiting for the second one to come around.

Now I know some people aren’t waiting for a second one because they didn’t like the movie. Why? Well from what I’ve heard and agreed with, sort of, he didn’t fight an actual villain. He didn’t have one. Which, in my opinion, if you pay attention to the story, there is no one that can compare to him; and the movie was trying to be different than the normal superhero tale. But yeah, it is nice to see your super strong hero actually go man-to-man with someone who can take it; which he kind of did with Mary, who has shown she is significantly stronger with her storm powers. That could be because Hancock never really trained with his powers so who knows he could have them; but Mary smacked him around a bit so we got a little action there.

Another reason why was because of the fact that he had a trigger word; something that would set them over the edge if it was said to hurt them. His being “A-hole” and Mary’s “crazy.” Now to me that showed the “human” side to them. Everyone has their limits and seeing as they were once considered “gods” how dare some insignificant mortals insult them. But I get where they are coming from with that.

Another reason was the graphics are extremely cheesy. I don’t know if it’s because we watched the movie now on our high-definition TV and it looks that way but I always remember the graphics looking a little off and I don’t care if it’s a “different” type of action movie or not, people need to have good graphics for action movies. Will Smith produced it; he should have been able to dish out the cash for some good graphics.

And for me, one reason why I didn’t like it was because Mary was a selfish B****. I’m sorry, the man continually almost dies for the woman but she decides that’s not good enough one day? Not okay? She just seemed like a whiny little girl as well, especially once Ray finds out the truth. She blames Hancock during the fight and screams that she is finally happy but when she tells him the truth while they are in the hospital it’s implied that Hancock did nothing wrong except probably save her life way too many times.

So it had its ups and downs but I’m really hoping that they go ahead and make the sequel. They have been talking about it since the movie basically came out and they do have plans to actually make a villain be a super powered one for those of you who wanted some more fighting. Which to me opens up a realm of possibilities. I mean from what Mary said they can only die together. If one survives so does the other if they can get away from one another; so if the villain is like Hancock and Mary then that means the villain’s significant other has to still be alive as well. Which means we could not only see a fight between Hancock and another super powered being but a fight between all three: Hancock, Mary, and the significant other because it seems like they only want one villain making the other being possibly a good guy and think about the possibilities one could do with a scene and a storyline like that.

It makes me understand why they haven’t just gone ahead and done the next movie, they are really trying to hammer it all out before they get it going. On Wikipedia it says, “Director Peter Berg said prior to Hancock's release that if the film pulls in as much business as predicted, a sequel, Hancock 2, would likely follow. After the film's release on DVD and Blu-ray Disc, actor Will Smith said that there was ongoing discussion about a possible sequel, ‘The ideas aren't [...] developed, but we are building out an entire world; I think people are going to be very surprised at the new world of Hancock.’ In August 2009, Columbia Pictures hired screenwriters Adam Fierro and Glen Mazzara to write the sequel, and the studio plans to bring back the producing team from the original film. Charlize Theron confirmed that she would reprise her role, and Berg said to expect a third actor to star as another figure with powers like Smith's and Theron's characters.” And all the information is cited on Wikipedia if you want to go check it out for yourself to make sure someone didn’t just put that up there to try and get a story going.

They have a lot of work to do, and I’m excited because action movies have changed in the few short years since Hancock so it will be a mind bomb to see what they do next. Anyway, until tomorrow, According to Michael III, Hancock is still a movie I can watch over and over again.

Michael III


So if you haven’t noticed, the numbers on the “who’s reading” counter have continued to grow and grow. It’s on a seven day period and I plan on doing something big if I can get 300 or more views in one week! So keep spreading the word if you like what you read! And forgive me for not posting on Wednesday, I was busy all day, and if you haven’t noticed yet I take Sunday’s off. But Monday-Friday I’m trying to post all day. So bear with me. This is a one man job and I do have another life. I moonlight as a Superhero known as the Black Mamba! J

Michael III

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