Thursday, May 24, 2012

"Will Smith-Save Us" PSA from Sneaky Zebra that's funny and full of wit, but completely right

It's true Will Smith, you are our "first, last, and only line of defense from the worst song in the universe” (Will Smith-Save Us; PSA).

So this post is not for the Will haters and the Bull lovers. This post is for those who are intelligent enough to realize that Will Smith is the greatest rapper ever and a brilliant and talented actor. It's also for those who are recent “dislikers” of Pitbull or like me have never been fans of the extremely raunchy rapper.

But I'm like Sneaky Zebra, when I first heard "Nod Ya Head" “I nodded my head do hard I had to get my spine realigned” (Will Smith-Save Us; PAS). And with the way rap is nowadays, crappy and raunchy—always talking about sex drugs and money, how they made it out of the hood...yet they still act like they're in it or actually do live in it; I was constantly looking and hoping that Will Smith would be doing another album. Lost and Found was fantastic and so was the actual song that the album is named after because it talks about the difference between rappers who just tap for the sake of rapping and true MC's that not only do it because they love the music but they also realize the influence they have on the people especially the young people and how they shouldn't abuse that power.

Lost is when you hide behind the freedom of speech, well sure you're free to do it but what it mean to do it? Did you mean to do it, did you need to do it, did you take time to think about the seeds you ruined!?

Will has always been about taking rap and showing that it doesn't have to be cool only in the hands of a “gangsta.” He showed that music doesn't need to be raunchy to sell, and I'll say it once and I’ll say it a million times over—he was the first rap Grammy, televised or not. If gangsta rap was so great they would have been first and he did it when he was only a "kid." So what's depressing? Knowing Will Smith allowed Pitbull, who strongly stands for what Will Smith was always against, to do the theme for MIB3.

At first I thought, okay, maybe Will is trying to give the new generation a chance. I thought maybe Pitbull would actually make a good hit. So I gave the song the benefit of the doubt and I shouldn't have. The song starts off with the music playing and Pitbull whispers:

Let's excuse me baby

Go, yeah you baby

Back, ooh you groovy baby

In, let's make a movie baby

Time, excuse me baby

Let's, yeah you baby

Go, ooh you groovy baby

Back in, let's make a movie baby...

WHAT'S DOES A PORNO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO ABOUT MEN IN BLACK 3!? Yeah, he was talking about a sex tape or just sex in general for those of you that are so naive that the reference just went right over your head. I thought maybe with an actual topic already set for him, Pitbull would actually keep it clean, and in the words of Chowder from Cartoon Network’s Chowder, "GAAAAAH! I was wrong I was horribly wrong!" From that moment on I was completely turned off from the song and while I listened to the rest of it nothing about it made me want to listen to it ever again. I'd rather listen to Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe." NO! I'd rather listen to Rebecca Black's "Friday" a thousand times before I had to listen to "Back in Time" ever again. Yeah I feel that strongly about it. So I can't understand it.

I know the PSA was a joke—it is clever using movies and songs from Will’s past all the way from the Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince days to prove a point—but all of us were expecting Will to do another song since he's two for three. But he didn't and if anything we should know why, but I'm sorry, Will, you owe us a song for allowing something you stood against to take the lead. So what, it's been seven years since Lost and Found and you forget just how right now, besides probably B.o.B, you're the only positive light in the Hip-Hop world and you allowed the light to dim the moment you didn't make an MIB tie in song for MIB3, and then you dropped nitrous oxide on the rest of the flames once you let Pitbull do the song. Those flames spread quickly and made us laugh until we all went, “No seriously, where is the song Will made?” We all died inside when we realized you hadn’t made one. "The song is complete bull pit..." (Will Smith-Save Us; PSA)! "Hey guys I have an awesome idea! For the new Will Smith movie let’s have Pitbull do the song! [Man gets slapped]” (Will Smith-Save Us; PSA). That's just terrible.

This started as a joke but I took it personally and so should you if you're a fan of Will Smith. "I personally cannot stand Pitbull, and wish that he was not anywhere near the soundtrack. It reminds me of the horrible Bobby Brown theme song for Ghostbusters 2. Do you want Will Smith to save us from this horrible song" ( That's a good question; do you? Will, you probably hear this all the time, but I'm one of your biggest fans and it sucks that Pitbull was even allowed to be asked to the song. “So please Will Smith, please Will Smith, please Will Smith, please Will Smith, Please Will Smith, please Will Smith you're our first last and only line of defense against the worse song of the universe" (Will Smith-Save Us; PSA). Please, please, please make a new song! You're already in the studio working with Mar Edwards for a new album (, so you could have taken some time to make the MIB3 song. So please, make it. If I know anything, you were already thinking about what you could make that song to be and I get the feeling it wasn't you that passed up on the song; someone else did that for you. Or at least I hope someone else did that for you. Anyway, until next time, According to Michael III, check out Sneaky Zebra's PSA and spread the word. "Will Smith-Save Us."

Michael III (Will Smith-Save Us PSA) (Chowder “pepper spray” clip in case you didn’t get the reference up above.)

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