Monday, May 7, 2012

Assembled Perfection! Movie Recap on "The Avengers" (SPOILER ALERT!)

That was one of the best movies I've seen in a long time! The Avengers, what can I really say about it but WOW! Holy crap that was a fantastic movie! And either I didn't really pay attention to the movies or the news or they seriously kept it under wraps but I re-watched Iron Man 1and 2 before I went to go see the movie on Friday and realized they were planning The Avengers movie this whole entire time. And after watching the finished product of all the separate movies coming together as a whole in this one humongous but great explosion, I'm excited to see what plot they will draw together through Captain America 2, Iron Man 3, and Thor 2 then drop another explosion in The Avengers 2. Wow!

This movie wasn't just perfect because it had some of the most badass heroes in superhero history, but because it made me like them. Honestly, I'm more of a DC fan. When it came to Marvel I was a Spider-Man and X-Men fan...I guess I like hyphens; and to me, a demi-god as a super hero was stupid, having a man in a metal suit was dumb and a hacker attack waiting to happen, Cap was just a solider with super strength, and the Hulk, well I didn't see how a crazed ragging monster could be a hero. And let's not forget Furry, for lack of better terms—he's a dick! But my perspective on them all changed with each movie.

I saw Iron Man screw the heck out of some terrorist and make a crappy but still awesome prototype in a freaking CAVE and still be an arrogant SOB, but a cool arrogant SOB. I saw Captain America show how much he wanted to fight for his country, fall in love with a tough lady, and still be a down to earth guy with a lot of power. I saw Thor become a mature king and never give up on his brother, adopted or not. I saw Banner show just how smart he was, show how controlled he could be, fall in love with a woman who understands and screwed the government in the process. I saw the Hulk show there is a little intelligence up there and he can fight for the right reasons and he can protect those that Banner cares about. And Furry...well he was still a prick. And I was going off the recent reboot of The incredible Hulk, FYI; the one from 2008 starring Edward Norton. I didn't see the other one, I heard it sucked. But when it all came down to the Avengers themselves I still thought they were a dumb idea, I thought it was just Marvels lame attempt at a Justice League, but I said I'd give it a chance and with each commercial I started wanting to see the movie more and more and I'm glad I did because two things happened: I saw the greatest superhero movie yet, and I started liking Furry.

What was so great about the Avengers was they all didn't just show up when Furry called. One by one they came for different reasons and butted heads because of all their differences but through the movie they worked through it and became a team for Earth. But what was great about this movie was that even though it was about the team each character had their own back stories that still pushed the movie along. Black Widows feelings for Hawkeye, Iron Man fighting for more than just himself, Banner making a friend in Stark and also stepping out of his shell and finally blending with society again, Thor finally realizing just how much his brother hates him but still holding onto the idea he can be saved showing just how much he's matured and how much he loves his adopted little bro, and the Captain finally coming back to a world that's changed in what seems only a matter of minutes for him but in reality has been 70 years. And Furry, Furry showed just how much he cared about the world and even though he has all his secrets and own agendas he still believes that the world can be saved with as few casualties as can be not like The Council who wanted to Nuke New York. Furry wanted soldiers who can stand against anything and are ready to stand against anything. The stories were all intimate and deep and all the actors acted their butts off making you go along for the ride. You felt sad with them, you were elated with them, and you definitely avenged the world with them. It wasn't another action movie where the girl was a weakling and the only sex appeal and lots of stuff blew up, no; it was a movie that had a story to tell but still also gave you the explosions and action. And Miss Johnson played a beautiful but dangerous Black Widow who didn't just get by on her looks. It proved she's one of the baddest spies out there but will do anything to protect the man she cares about, including knocking him around for a bit into a metal railing.

The movie was also eye candy, I saw it in 3D and it was the best 3D I have seen yet so if you haven't seen it in 3D you need to. The graphics were fantastic and there was a lot happening but you were able to see it all as well and when things were supposed to pop out at you, they really popped out at you. The avengers had great comedic timing as well proving once again that it's not one of the standard action movies. Seriously, some points just made the whole audience laugh to the point when another character started talking you missed what they said because you and everyone else were still laughing. Like when Hulk totally destroyed Loki, tossing him around like a little rag doll. Then when he walks away I believe he says "Hulk Smash" nonchalantly but I wasn't sure because we were all still laughing so we couldn’t hear him.

It was fantastic and I could sit here on my wife's old Honda all night and type on my iPhone about this movie and still never get across how good it was. Rotten tomatoes gave the movie a 96 and I see why and you will too if...oh screw that, if, IF!? WHEN you see this movie, because you will see this movie! SO GO NOW! ASSEMBLE WITH THE REST OF THE POPULATION! HURRY!

Seriously! The Avengers broke the record you guys! 200.3 million this weekend, beating out Deathly Hallows Part 2, which I’m really excited about because I despise Potter, by almost an extra 30 Mill ( Try to tell me that doesn’t mean something! For Friday they’re still behind Potter with 80.5 Mill, but they hold the record for #1 on an opening weekend now and are the first to ever reach 200 Mill in an opening weekend (!

“There are many amazing things to be said about The Avengers’ performance this weekend. One that’s particularly impressive is the fact that the film dropped just 13 percent from Friday to Saturday. Compare that to the declines of some other movies with massive opening weekends: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2 (down 53 percent from Friday to Saturday), The Twilight Saga: New Moon (42 percent), The Dark Knight (29 percent), and The Hunger Games (25 percent). ‘It’s not playing like just a superhero film,’ says Dave Hollis, Disney’s executive vice president of distribution. ‘It’s playing like a huge, accessible-to-everyone, all-quadrant picture’” (

Until next time, unlike my wife who said, "It was just another super hero movie," According to Michael III, this is not just another super hero movie, it's the best super hero movie around...until The Dark Knight Rises possibly…I’m not so sure, The Avengers may have Batman beat. I guess we’ll see, but comment below if you have other opinions. And spread the word!

Michael III

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