Friday, May 11, 2012

What's next for "The Avengers?"

It's been a week since the fantastic and amazing movie The Avengers premiered and many of you have fallen in love with the movie. Some have probably seen it more than once by now, heck, more than twice possibly, and if you're like me you have been wondering, what's next?

And maybe more than that like, are Black Widow and Hawkeye going to get their own movie—especially since there is a lot of back story to them that I recently heard about (Thank you Brittany!) so it would be cool to see them get their own movies? What are they going to do for Iron Man 3, and Thor and Captain America 2? And since everyone keeps talking about the Hulk and how great he was in The Avengers, and how great Mark Ruffalo did at Banner, will he possibly get a reboot (for the third freaking time in the last decade) or no? Well honestly, Russ Fischer has the answers and you can read it all on the website if you want to know more.

As for According to Michael III, I'm just going to give you a quick rundown and you can decide if you want to wait to be surprised or keep looking up the info. So in the words of Heath Ledgers Joker, "and here we go!"

…I lied, I feel like I need to go into detail.

So first thing first is the fact that everyone loved Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk so we’re all wondering if he’s going to be able to do his own solo movie? Sadly, Marvel isn’t sure, they are contemplating it since the Hulk’s sales went up overseas once the movie started premiering there and most likely over here too. “…but seeing how well the character works in The Avengers, it seems he’s best used as a supporting player” ( I agree with that, even though I loved the 2008 version of The Incredible Hulk with Edward Norton, it seems like the Hulk just shined helping his fellow heroes and not throwing a temper tantrum because someone bumped into him. But Ruffalo is signed onto a SIX MOVIE deal so we’ll be seeing him more in and out of other films and most likely in Iron Man 3 since we see him driving off in Tony’s car with Tony.

That being said, Iron Man 3 is already in production at the moment and while I can’t remember the website, because I delete the email with that link (stupid, stupid, stupid!) I know that for the new movie, metaphorically, they want “to go back to the cave” and isolate Mr. Stark. So we’ll see how that goes.

For Thor 2, we will possibly see Mr. Mature Asgardian King traveling to different worlds and getting a “little Game of Thrones.” Director Alan Taylor from Game of Thrones will be coming aboard the Asgardian train and this is what Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth had to say about it, “[Game of Thrones] had a real mythical element to it, but it was rooted in such an organic and tangible world. I think Asgard could really benefit from that sort of a grittier, aged feel to it and not so ethereal,” he said. “The big thing about the comics for me was the origin story. Thor was interesting, but what I found more fascinating was the other worlds and realms that you can be taken off into” (

For Captain America well he’s going to be in our version of the world now and so we’ll have to see what he’s going to do. I do know, as he did in the comics, he will go visit his little girlie friend from the first movie and finally talk to her. And for those of you who are surprised she’s still alive, for Christ sake, it was WWII, and she was maybe in her 20’s at the time. Seventy years later would make her only in her 90’s, and seeing as she was a tough broad to begin with, I’m pretty sure she’s around; much like I’m pretty sure Zuko is still alive in The Legend of Korra.

But he’s also a solider and here’s what they said about throwing him back into a war. Will Captain America be taking down some terrorist!? Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios says, “Cap’s in the modern day now. So if we looked at war movies from the ’40s as our inspiration for the first Cap, the next one we’re looking at very different movies, very different inspiration. So it will almost be a different genre of film, which I’ve never seen before in a sequel.” There is just something American about a man using a shield to beat the snot out of some woman degrading, Christian and Jew killing, and American hating terrorist. God bless America!

Nothing on Hawkeye in the article but they said Black Widow will probably appear one more time as a supporting character before she finally gets her own film, and like I said, a lot of back story to her so that would be pretty cool to see how she becomes the person she is today.

But here’s the last question we should ask: who else will be joining the team? I may not be a big Avengers fan but I know that Spider-Man every once in a while comes to help out, so do the Fantastic Four—both who are getting reboots, so the question there is will they have movies where Fury shows up to talk to them about joining the team? Then also, and this I didn’t know, the Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver join the team as well. Yes, that’s right, I’m a big X-Men fan so I know that those are Magneto’s kids…didn’t know they were good guys, they always seemed to lean more with the Brotherhood so finding out they help out the Avengers and S.H.E.I.L.D. was like a slap in the face for me. But the problem is, and this is weird too, Fox owns the rights to the X-Men and a lot of the “mutant” related themes. How the heck did that happen!? But if they decided to bring those two in they have ideas as to how to integrate them without getting sued or coughing up a lot of cash, but Marvel is owned by Disney so it doesn’t really matter about money, they got plenty.

“We both have [Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch]. There’s a specific arrangement with those two characters that would allow us to use them with Avengers, but not discuss or reference their mutant or Magneto-related lineage. They can use them as mutants and as Magneto’s relatives, but cannot have anything to do with The Avengers” ( So we’ll have to see how that works, but Marvel has got a lot of plans and they have been kicking serious butt and getting some top notch people to direct and write and act and etc. etc.

An example would be the fact that Chronicle director Josh Trank is possibly going to direct the reboot for The Fantastic Four. While I didn’t think the first movie was bad but I do agree with Travis Woods quote about the movies but only for the second one, “terrible—just plain terrible…” ( And while although I didn’t see Chronicle I wanted too and I heard it was fantastic for an action found-film movie and I will see it once it comes out on Blue Ray. But until the next According to Michael III post, According to Michael III, big plans = high anticipation.

Michael III

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