Thursday, May 17, 2012

"Star Trek II" Guess who's the villian!?

Yeah, I was never really a…what do they call them, Treky? Am I even spelling that right? Oh well. But you get the point, me, Michael III, never really a Star Trek fan, at least until the 2009 Produced and Directed J.J Abrams movie. Alright that’s not true, I did grow up watching The Next Generation with my father but other than that I wasn’t a HUGE Star Trek fan. Then watching the 2009 movie was a completely different experience and it had a fantastic story line that kept to the original magic of the show but opened up a realm of possibilities for the new movie series because this one is set in a different time line. Now that I think about it, J.J. Abrams likes doing that, I mean I can think of at least one other project he has had his hand in that has done the whole different realities/timeline thing—Fringe. And it’s working for him, so he shouldn’t change. Speaking of working for him, I saw an article that asked if James Cameron is set to be the next George Lucas. Hell no! Cameron sucks, but because he did Avatar and is making a second Avatar they think that? Wow, not even. If there is anyone that even comes close to being this generations Lucas it’s probably J.J., just saying. Woo, I need to stop before this blog turns into a James Cameron bashing site, I’m not into bashing; it’s still bullying, but that is my opinion.

Anyway, well no one really knows what’s going on with Star Trek 2 just yet because like I said the realm of possibilities are open. I remember after the first movie came out my mom went and rented the old version of Stark Trek II: The Wrath of Khan because she and my dad we’re talking about how cool would it be if they did Khan as the villain for the next movie. And my sister and I were like, “Who’s Khan?” Pretty cool movie and it also sucks that Spock dies in that one. Oh Leonard Nimoy, but I was told he comes back to life…don’t know how didn’t really care, I was just hoping they did allow Khan to be introduced in the next movie. And they are! Woo! Yeah that’s right! UH!

Sorry, I try to make this as like livid as possible so it seems like you guys are actually talking to me…which is fun if you ever get the chance because I’m probably insane. (Enter your choice of insane laughter here!)

Alright back on topic. So yeah, Khan, originally introduced in the Stark Trek episode “Space Seed” Khan Noonien Singh was revived in 2267 by the crew of the Enterprise. Khan attempts to capture the starship, but is thwarted by James T. Kirk and exiled on Ceti Alpha V to create a new civilization with his people. He then returns in the 1982 film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, set fifteen years after "Space Seed," in which Khan escapes his imprisonment and sets out to seek revenge upon Kirk ( Benedict Cumberbatch (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, The Hobbit) will be playing this big bad baddie in the untitled sequel for the new movie. Cinema Blend confirms that it will not be playing off of “Space Seed” and will give Khan a totally new introduction into the Star Trek Universe ( That will be interesting to see what the team comes up with giving they did a fantastic job with the alternate universe story line.

But that’s not all the news that comes from Cinema Blend. Leonard Nimoy, Mr. “I’m retiring” and “Psych, I was just kidding, look I’m on Fringe!” is actually coming back to reprise his role as Older, Different-Universe Spock. Maybe, he will come in and give some insight to Khan from the other life line, and possibly help and maybe get revenge on the bastard that killed him in a different life. Probably not, Spock is too…well behaved to do that. Unless he’s Zachary Quinto, that’s when you don’t push him over the edge, he might slice off your head… Oh please tell me someone got that joke!

The Kligons will also have a huge part in the next movie. How? Don’t know, and that’s partially because I have no idea what Klingons are so hopefully you who are reading this are a Treky and you know. Like I said, I’m not Treky so don’t get mad at me! Geesh! Klingons originally were supposed to be in the first movie but were cut out but they have such a big part this time in the movie there is no way they are going to end up in the deleted scenes on the Blue Ray like the first movie (

But that’s about it. It was just a little something to help those out who are trying to follow the next movie but haven’t been able to find anything. That’s what’s this blog is for. So you’re welcome. Anyway, until next time, According to Michael III, Khan for this generation...? Oh heck yes! And if you haven’t seen Wrath of Khan or “Space Seed” my advice to you, get Netflix.

Michael III

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