Saturday, May 12, 2012

"Who's coming?" Or better yet, what's coming up next on "Fringe" TV Recap on season 4 finale of "Fringe"--"Brave New World" (SPOILER ALERT!)

Well that's a great question! But first off, could there have been better season finale!? Holy crap the two part “Brave New World” season finale was great especially Olivia! Yes, it was all just a ploy to get her to destroy the two universes, BUT it was still bad-ass everything she did and it saddens me that Walter said she's possibly normal now. But not little Henrietta!

So, “Brave New World,” let's break it down after I say how pissed I am that Fox took too long in renewing the show. Because instead of a "next season on Fringe" we got an animation domination commercial. LAME...okay not so much the commercial was funny but lame all the same because I wanted to know what's going on with Fringe for their fifth and final season! Not to mention the fact if this had been the series finale I would have been pissed because it's obvious the future episode, “Letters of Transit,” was the set up for season five because Olivia is pregnant Bell is alive and activated her and after all his hard work I don't think he's done messing with her, and September said something important in last night’s finale.

When he got stuck in the runes he said that the knowledge was beyond them, beyond Bell who was able to create a weapon faster than an Observer, so how did they know about that kind of “science?” This just that proves that the Observers have been trying to mess with things; who else would know how to stop September? Guess he's not the only one doing more than observing. And even Walter from the future proved it too when he said that September came to him and tried to tell him what they do and warm them so they could stop them from doing what they were going to do; which came true last night at the ending. It just seemed the finale was too happy. Olivia heals and comes out alive, the Universes are saved, Walter finally calls Astrid by her real name, and Peter and Olivia find out they’re pregnant right after Peter finally finds a place for them to live. I kept saying something bad is about to happen, something always bad happens in a finale that seems to happy, like Psych, where Henry gets shot! Not cool. So thank you September (Michael Ceveris) for coming and ruining all of our happiness. Well not all of it because you making Walter sad allows us to have one last season which makes us all happy!

So it looks like next season will be focusing on stopping the Observers from taking over the world. So we'll see how that goes. But it makes me wonder what the series finale was that they had filmed just in case they got cancelled and if we'll ever be able to see it so we can judge it compared to the season finale. If not, I still thank them for at least filming it and trying to give us some sort of closure just in case.

So “Brave New World” part 2 dealt with William Bell trying to use Olivia to collapse both universes and create a new one where he was god. Bell the whole season has been putting Olivia through stressful situations causing her to be activated and use her Cortexiphan powers to save the people she cared about which almost caused September to be killed.

Speaking of September, time travel is weird. That was totally weird how he got shot in their future but went to Olivia in the past. Not to mention he couldn't have been more cryptic in the “you have to die" message. He could have told her she would survive. But no, it’s a sci-fi drama so we can't have that. Leonard Nimoy surprised everyone by actually reprising his role as William Bell after supposedly retiring from acting after Fringe season 2, hint why they had him as a cartoon in season 3. But the Bell we see is a much darker Bell who has "grown old, cynical, and cancer" and has basically lost it. But luckily Walter did what he had to do to keep everyone safe and in my opinion, yes Walter, you did just make up for what you did with Peter, you let someone you care about die this time to prevent another tragedy...granted this time you knew she would probably survive, but you still sacrificed her even knowing there was the possibility she wouldn’t come back.

So who's coming, or what's coming in the final 13 episodes of Fringe? Will they stop the Observers and what will become of little Henrietta since she's on the way? I guess we'll see this fall, but until then, According to Michael III, Fringe is still and always will be one of the best TV shows out there.

Michael III

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