Friday, May 25, 2012

"Something Bad" is coming... TV Recap on the "Once Upon A Time" Season One Finale "A Land Without Magic" (SPOILER ALERT!)

I do put the spoiler alert there just in case no one else has seen it. But it’s been three weeks, it’s sad it took me this long myself.

Okay, give me a little break. Cut me some slack. It's already hard enough to try and find something new to post about every single day, but I do have another life mainly work, being a husband, and playing WOW, but it takes me a while sometime to watch my shows and let you know if something awesome has happened. So yeah, it's been almost three weeks, but I finally watched the season finale to Once Upon A Time and if you're like me you're surprised by the twist of events in the last episode "A Land Without Magic."

So in the season one finale, and there will be a season two in case you didn't know, Henry is in the hospital dying from the sleeping potion that was meant for Emma that Regina made in the episode before, "An Apple Red As Blood." Say all of that three times fast...and if you just tried and succeeded congrats. But wanting to keep the savior from falling to the curse he ate the apple himself and pasted out. Emma touches the book in the hospital and finally believes about the curse and magic and gets a glimpse of her father and mother fighting to save her. Regina walks in just in time and Emma confronts her and she tells the truth and when Emma asks what will happened to him she tells her she doesn't know because, "Magic is unpredictable in this world."

The clock is running out on Henry and the only person who can help is Mr. Gold, who as Rumplestiltskin made Prince Charming hide a love potion for him in return for help out of the Infinite Forest and to Snow White.

“It’s hidden. I’ve been saving it for a rainy day.”

“Yeah well it’s storming like a bitch.”

Tricking them, he makes Emma retrieve it for him out of the belly of Maleficent who was trapped as a dragon in our world. Emma slays her and gets the potion but Mr. Gold takes it not planning to help Henry at all.

Henry dies while that happens; flat lining while Mary Margret is reading to him after telling David there is no reason to stay in Storybrooke, not for her anyway. Upon returning after Gold's betrayal, Regina and Emma return too late. Crying, Emma kisses Henry after she whispers that she loves him using true love's kiss to break the sleeping curse and Regina's curse over all of Storybrooke. The blue fairy tells Regina to hide and before she runs off she tells Henry that she does love him no matter what anyone says.

Meanwhile Mr. Gold is walking with Bell recently released thanks to Jefferson—The Mad Hatter who is trying to get revenge on Regina who didn't keep good to her deal from "An Apple As Red As Blood." Both Bell who now remembers and now Rumplestiltskin are heading to the well which "is said to return what was lost" and Rumple drops the love potion into the well causing purple smoke to appear and cover the whole town. Bell asks what's happening and that's when Rumple says that it's magic and when she ask why she says because “magic is power,” still showing he's as power hungry as ever.

As the cloud covers the town, Emma asks Henry what is it and he says “something bad.” The purple cloud of cliffhangers envelops the whole town including Snow and James after they embraced in the center of town finally together again after David almost left town but the curse broke just in time before he reached the boundaries. They hold each other tightly as the cloud swallows them and Regina back in her mansion, smiles wickedly far from ever giving up on making her own happy ending.

So what's next for the now highly anticipated season 2? Who knows but you can bet According to Michael III will let you know when it finds out! But until tomorrow, According to Michael III, magic is power, but power corrupts as Rumple well knows.

Michael III

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