Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sequels: Do they stop?

So when I took my film and arts class in high school, the one thing that I actually gained out of that class is that if you make money you make a sequel, hands down that's what the rule is. So I don't know about you, but I sure the hell noticed that sequels are coming from the left and from the right and now they're even being planned before the original comes out…for movies not based off of already written material. Some movies like Lemonade Mouth, Kick-Ass, and Harry Potter and other favorites are working close with the original author to put out another book or graphic novels so they can make more movies. They’re even milking Stephenie Meyer as well for another Twilight book and God forbid that happens. As it is Avatar, the dumb blue people movie, is also getting another crack so whatever. Come on James Cameron, why don’t we just make a Titanic 2 as well? Join the craze. If any of you have seen the Who Framed Roger Rabbit? the 1988 Robert Zemeckis directed and Disney film they were talking about a sequel back in the day for that movie and thanks to all the reboots and sequels that have predecessor that are ten years old or older, they’re considering making the sequel for that movie again as well. Not that any of the kiddies now days know what the movie is or what it’s about, but if they’re looking for more money, bringing the original out on Blue Ray will allow all the kids to get caught up on the original so they go see the new one, or they could just bring back out re-mastered in theater. But seriously!? So my question is where do they stop?

I mentioned in the Looper trailer post that Bruce Willis is planning on doing a fifth Die Hard and since it will make money the will most likely be a sixth but if so Willis said it will be the last one, or he won’t come back for a seventh, and it’s not hard to replace an actor so who knows what they’ll do when that time comes in the next five years. But as of right now, it’s just in the talks and director-less but they are planning on doing a Terminator 5, which, I haven’t seen any of the movies before, but I heard Salvation was good and it looked awesome from what I saw of the previews. At the time the movie came out I was into The Sarah Connor Chronicles and that was a pretty good show for the two seasons it was on. James Cameron (ugh there is that name again) was talking to Arnold Schwarzenegger about returning to the series only if it was based off of his character.

“‘I was talking to him back in the fall about a new Terminator film and quietly advising on that,’ says Cameron. ‘I was trying to be as encouraging as possible. Frankly, at that time I thought it needed to be more about him. I told him he should not do it until it’s focused on his character,’ he continues. ‘I think there are some great stories that can be told about that character that haven’t even been thought of yet’” (Totalfilm.com.). In my opinion he’s a robot bent on either killing or protecting the Connor boy so what really more could they do with the story? But like I said, I’m speaking from someone who hasn’t seen the movies so I need to get on that. But it’s an Avengers week so I really don’t care.

Anyway, the question still remains where do the sequels stop? Dear God, Saw already did Saw 3D making it the seventh movie, and on opening night of Paranormal Activity 3 the creators already said they were planning on the fourth and it was announced in January that it’s coming out in October. Then again those are horror movies, already known for going on and on but the Saw creators said if they could think of something new they would come back. But unlike Marvel who is using the sequels Iron Man 3, Thor 2, and Captain American 2 for the next Avengers movie, others are just making sequels just for the money. Don’t get me wrong, Marvel is looking for more money too, but come on how many sequels are they going to do before they stop? And once they stop are they going to pull a The Amazing Spider-Man and reboot only a few years later? I don’t know. Let me know what you think below. But until next time, According to Michael III, this is getting ridiculous.

Michael III

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