Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"Don't Forget Me." "Smash" Season Finale TV Recap (SPOILER ALERT!)

The clock is ticking and there is only twelve hours left until Karen goes onstage as Marilyn Monroe for the fictional musical Bombshell. Smash had its first season finale last night and like Debra Messing said after it was all over, season one was just the beginning. It’s good to know that NBC saw that there was more to this show and that they decided to renew it early in the season.

The finale, “Bombshell” was a finale like all the others but, it finally had a happy ending, but sad ones were set up to get the story rolling for next season and still kept you on the edge of your seat waiting for more. The “happy” would of course be seeing Karen on stage as Marilyn and the musical finally getting, most likely a standing, ovation it deserved because of the beautiful song that was written by Tom and Julia for its new ending. “Don’t Forget Me” was a beautiful song that came out of Julia telling her husband that the good outweighs the bad. So the song was Marilyn basically singing about them remembering her life and not her death which was really what Bombshell was all about and it makes a perfect ending for the musical. Of course I didn’t see anything bad with the suicide ending either, plenty of musicals end sadly, Jesus Christ Super Star, The Wild Party, etc. etc. and those are still being shown all around the world and occasionally make it back to Broadway every once in a while. Sometimes a sad ending is needed to hit the message home or to tell the truth and the truth is Monroe committed suicide. But I do love the song so it’s a win lose situation for me here.

Anyway other good things that happened were things like Eileen’s ex-husband actually enjoyed the show, oh and Ellis got fired. But speaking of Ellis getting fired that set up one of the many “bad” things that will lead to the drama of next season. And honestly now that I think about it, the bad was more than the good this episode, but I don’t think it outweighed it because Karen deserved that part and I’m glad she finally got it.

Ellis after admitting he was the one that poisoned Rebecca is fired by Eileen but he threatens that this isn’t the last we’ve seen of him. Dude’s a freaking sociopath if you ask me…but for the theater and some would say that’s okay. Theater nuts. What Eileen really should have done was called the cops on the little punk because what he did was attempted murder and you don’t just let someone walk away from that.

Moving along, Julia throws up on one occasion and tells Tom that she hasn’t thrown up since she was pregnant with Leo, not too long after her husband sees her talking to Michael and tells her that he can’t really trust her…how is he going to feel when he figures out she’s most likely pregnant with Michael’s baby? I was tripping much like I did when I read the first book of The Walking Dead for my class last semester and figured out Rick’s wife is pregnant probably with Shane’s baby. I don’t know how it goes in the show but apparently Shane’s still alive so that’s sucks. Sorry Rick. Back on track; how dare that man give a bad name to Michael’s everywhere.

Ivy, being the B**** she is decided that she would play with Karen’s head and tell her about what happened between her and Dev by dropping the engagement ring on her part of the dressing room. All because she wasn’t getting the part and so she decided that ruining Karen’s life was a better idea. Personally, I think, no, I know she needed to find that out because of the fact she shouldn’t have been marrying a man who goes out and sleeps with the first whore the moment he thinks it’s over. Not to mention he was smooching with the home wrecker from his office as well, so the guy seriously can’t be trusted. Karen deserves better than him, and she definitely deserves someone she can trust. But Ivy did enough to rattle Karen causing her to walk away because the pressure was getting to her and it didn’t help she overheard Eileen tell Derek that she couldn’t do it.

But that’s not all the bad in the show; Derek all but confessed he was in love with Karen when he told her “I do understand love” right before she goes on stage for the last number. How is that bad, well you see Dev watching the show as Karen does great and he’s smiling because he still loves her. Well he screwed up twice in one week and so Karen is hopefully leaving him. But Derek’s quote was a little dip back to the conversation they had earlier that caused Karen to come back and do the show and knock Ivy back a few notches. They were going to ask Ivy but Karen showed back up at the right time causing her to basically lose it and we see a glimpse of her about to overdose at the ending during the song Karen sings after she dies as Marilyn. Which if she does, I’m going to be like my sister who said; “I’m going to like her even less if she does that crap.” But the first season is all over and it’s only just beginning but once this show finally hits Broadway they better make the story great or NBC will cancel it and it won’t get its third season.

To me the real thing I like about this show is that it displays just how much goes into making a show and not just any show—a show for Broadway, and the beautiful original music and the wonderful covers of very great songs; my favorite being “History Is Made At Night.” My goodness that is such a gorgeous song but it’s also dirty because of the lyrics and if you watched the episodes leading up to that song you also know why Julia “wrote” that song, but so gorgeous. Katharine McPhee and Megan Hilty are fantastic singers and have done a great job playing the opposite sides of the spectrum of Theater, the good and the ugly. I also love Karen’s innocence and displaying that all the drama they continue to put behind the scenes isn’t needed; but as a theater kid I also know it’s there. It’s good to see that the good gets what it deserves though in this show. I tried telling Ivy that God don’t like ugly, but she wouldn’t listen and now she’s going to commit suicide; talk about really getting into the part.

I’m excited for season two since a lot of the shows I’ve enjoyed this season have gotten the axe. I hope that this show comes out like the bombshell it loves to focus on and it explodes with more gorgeous music, more exquisite writing, and continues the terrific acting that keeps delivering week after week. This show’s song wraps up Bombshell and Smash all in one category and ask one thing, don’t forget it. And I sure won’t, I’ll be waiting to hear what’s coming up next for the cast and crew of this amazing show. But until next season, According to Michael III, remember one thing, “History is made at Night,” and don’t forget it’s at ten, on Mondays.

Michael III

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