Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Not GGP...but GPP! Podcast Recap on "A Guy, A Girl, and A Podcast" (SPOILER ALERT!)

Alright first thing’s first: YES ANTHONY! I can hear you! I turned this episode up thinking it would still be low. So my computer is at 90 and suddenly I hear—“Dud-Dud—Dud-Dud-Dud-Dud—Dud-Dud-Dud-Dud-Dud-Dud”—like extremely loud and I had to quickly turn it down. So in the words of Mayhem from the Allstate commercials, “You’re good!”

Second of all, since my wife obviously wasn’t paying attention I’ll repeat it. Christina is missing this week because it’s finals week and unlike Brandon, Anthony, and I, she is actually taking classes that she actually has to study for. =P I normally don’t put faces but it made my wife laugh and I want to make sure everyone know that it was a joke at the expense of the Guy, the Producer, and I.

That being said this was the first episode of A Guy, A Producer, and a Podcast, otherwise known as GPP; and instead of being the comedic geniuses they normally are when Christina is in the seat…sadly I just realize I think Christina is the more quirky one that keeps the craziness going even though the guys say she’s the “glue that holds them together;” the men decided to focus on a more serious topic, that kind of started off as a “let’s make fun of this,” but turned into a “okay we seriously need to see what this is about.” Childhood obesity. Apparently, I believe Idaho, is banning bake sales from schools to help stop childhood obesity. Don’t quote me on that, go listen to the podcast for yourself.

Let’s face it though, it is a problem, and I don’t blame the food I blame the fact kids don’t go out and play anymore. They’re all stuck inside on our laptops typing up blog post, or on our cameras making silent films, or in the studios recording podcast…please tell me you saw what I just did there. Thanks Christina, you weren’t there to help make the jokes and now I’m being the funny one.

But seriously, this is a problem and I’m glad that Brandon and Anthony decided to talk about it and politics and other “ooh, I don’t want to touch that subjects.” But like Brandon said, and I’m paraphrasing, we should be able to use these mediums to sit down and talk about the serious taboo stuff that people want to stay away from. It was an episode where they wanted to see how well serious would do for their show and it worked in many ways.

I enjoyed it, while I was playing WOW, and don’t write me off yet, I was paying attention, so much that I got off WOW to type this post instead of waiting until later. While it didn’t have the usual organized chaos that normally comes with GGP or GPP…ha, that’s cool…it still had its moments that made me laugh and I, being the egomaniac that I am, got mentioned twice in it! WOO! Go me!

Near the ending of the almost hour long episode, they ask us to give them feedback about the episode on their iTunes page, their Facebook page, their twitter page, and now you can leave feedback here as well in the comments box because they’ll see it here too. In my opinion blog readers, it was a great episode and I enjoyed it, sometimes you do just need to take a seat back and show that there is more to you guys and that’s what you did. You’re an entertainment podcast but you guys also show there is much more to you and I can compare it to the first two years of college. You may not always want to take those classes but you need to be well rounded and at least have the ability to say you took it and here’s why you didn’t like it. Just like the podcast; I came expecting to hear you guys talk about The Avengers because I know Brandon at least went to see the midnight premier and I’m pretty sure he dragged Christian along with him. Shoot, Anthony seems like the guy to drag his wife to the midnight showing, and so I was expecting The Avengers to be talked about. But I got something so much more and coming from a family that does have weight problems, I’m self-conscious about myself even though I’m skinny as all get-out as well. But I also worry about my soon to be born baby girl who is going to come into a world that has these problems growing more and more each day and, for her, both sides of her family has weight issues as well, so it’s something I will have to help her work on if she does become overweight and doesn’t like how she looks, or is skinny and thinks she needs to keep losing weight because anorexia and bulimia are just as big as problems too.

Let’s face it, weight, up or down, is a problem. We’re a society that gets off on looks half of the time and it’s okay until it because serious to where girls are throwing up because they don’t look like the supermodel who is most likely starving herself as well. Man, right now I feel like listening to Selena Gomez and the Scene’s “Who Say’s” because that’s a great song. I’m pretty sure she wrote the song for Demi Lovato for those of you that know the two of them were friends and the reasons why Miss Lovato went to rehab. So in reality and long story short I’m thanking you guys for that episode. Thank you.

But I do expect Avengers talk next week! Anyway, subscribe to them on iTunes and get new episodes for free when they come out. Or download the free Stitcher app and enjoy them there. Also follow them on Twitter @guygirlpodcast or on Facebook at “A Guy, A Girl, and A Podcast.” Until the next exciting episode, According to Michael III, this to me has to be one of their best episodes because we need stuff like this. We sometimes just need to shut up and listen and let people speak…and then complain about it or praise it on a blog. You know us American’s we’re never happy until we get the last word.

Michael III

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